the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in computers

i’ve gotten used to the spams that know my real name: From: Gene Smith Subject: Sabrina Downard How are you, Sabrina Downard Your Cr-edit isn’t a issue. If you have Property and want capital to expend anyway you wish or simply want to decrease your fees; and even gotten used to the ones that apparently […]


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via mistergrumpy comes this: decapitated teddy USB drive. i especially love the t-shirt.

Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 05:31:36 -0500 (CDT) From: Leslie Burch To: Junji Subject: Fwd: He was totally disoriented. Could I have five minutes to. Forgetting to make the quarterly property-tax payment is a hell of a lot more serious than forgetting to change the calendar page, and youre upset because this is the first […]

wikipediafs hurt niqui’s brain. grumpy-sysadmin consoled me: hooray for martinis! i missed out on buying a ticket when they went on sale, and i passed up one opportunity to pick one up from someone trying to sell one, but then today another opportunity came up, and, going on the history of recent events — wherein […]

From: Heath Patterson Subject: Of sit go rattlebrained untenable extensive this baleful object presented itself to my view. I was very merry, sound of which I thought had been borne towards me among the her with this discovery; but only said, I have not the heart to In the back kitchen, I raved as became […]