the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

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i really liked bill richardson’s campaign Job Interview ads. i thought they were cute and informative, they kept my attention, and they were totally positive. they actually made me smile. seriously, how often do you see campaign ads that make you smile? just for that, he gets a nickel out of niqui’s campaign contribution jar.

what the hell is this?? Students of Turner County High School started what they hope will become a new tradition: Black and white students attended the prom together for the first time on Saturday. … “I’ve asked, ‘Why can’t you come?’ and they’re like, ‘My mommy and daddy — they don’t agree with being with […]


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Am starting to feel like getting myself a sign and joining the rallies just to piss off the people sending me anti-immigration political emails about the evils of people who fail to speak English and who take jobs away from citizens (who are all lining up to pick strawberries, i’m sure).

Dear Democrats:

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niqui is so not pleased with recent turns of events. get your asses in gear, you lazy shits! no love, –sabrina.

you dumb sack of shit

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via the AP: “For the life of me, I cannot understand why the terrorists have not attacked our food supply because it is so easy to do,” [Tommy] Thompson said. “We are importing a lot of food from the Middle East, and it would be easy to tamper with that.” Why don’t you just hand […]