the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • @beth825 Nothing ever has to end so long as there are fangirls with keyboards. :) in reply to beth825 #
  • Neighbor’s loud rumbling bass is still going. Wonder if they just got surround sound or something. Hope the novelty wears off quickly. #
  • @sweatshopoflove Why does loving football keep you from loving Doctor Who? You can Netflix the DVDs after the game, you know…..:-) in reply to sweatshopoflove #
  • It sounds a bit like a joke to say that’s my resolution, but I think actually stopping lying to myself is a good thing to work on doing. #
  • I think my only new year’s resolution is to stop resolving to do things I know I don’t want to do and therefore won’t. Like NY resolutions. #
  • First laundry load of the new year! Woohoooooooo!!!!!! *runs around waving wildly trying to work up enthusiasm to fold socks* #
  • @StevenGlassman Starts up again in April, I think. So basically it’s like baseball, without spring training. Or World Series. Or players. in reply to StevenGlassman #
  • Hm. £27 for the 2009 Specials DW dvds, released 11 Jan. Want! #
  • @Ipstenu Once good. But if we get a whole series of kissyface, there will be stern words! in reply to Ipstenu #
  • ahahahahahahahaha. The Seal of Rassilon. Get it? GET IT? #
  • ZOMG. *snirk* The End of Time BINGO CARDS. (1) (2) #
  • @Ipstenu I prefer open-ended conclusions. I liked the mystery of River Song as it was; they’ll ruin it if she’s brought back over and over. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu Thrilled about Weeping Angels. Intrigued by AK (<3 her, but SM bitched about “clingy girlfriends,” he can’t just make a new one!). in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu Well, it takes time to do the special effects for those toilet plungers! (I mock because I love.) in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu Cheese, yes. Cheesy catchphrase…meh. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu Well, it’s the overuse, and also how I just think shouting “geronimooooooooo” is lame in most any context. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu Yes, allons-y was a bit overused. This is part why I don’t want to hear another cheesy catchphrase every adventure. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu I make no judgment on the actor or Doctor, just his really lame catchphrase that made me wince & he’d better not overuse. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu Nnnnnnnnnnot even a little bit cute. :) in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Prof just sent fat bundle of info in attachment called ‘’ Wish prof would use names that do not look like virus payloads. #
  • Geronimo? Really? #
  • @Ipstenu I used to read spoilers for everything, but then I went spoiler-free because I realized it was stealing my enjoyment of shows. <3 in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Neighbor is listening to something with MASSIVE bass, an action film or something. It’s distracting and had better be done with in 15 mins. #
  • @Ipstenu Oh, well, then, *some* of us were taken a bit by surprise by Tara! :P in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu Doesn’t mean they weren’t kleenex-mandating. Especially Tara. :) in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Ripped back my red alpaca beret as I didn’t like how it turned out; reworking it with different needles. Perhaps THIS time it’ll work. #
  • @Ipstenu Well, I’d be wary if I were you. Though I love him dearly, RTD’s a bit like Joss that way. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu You and me both, bud. Kleenex box is primed and ready. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @smokes70 Dude, how are you even coherent this early this morning? :-) in reply to smokes70 #
  • @Ipstenu @hubbit Indeed, everything changes. Even — especially — our beloved Doctor. :) in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Just flipped to the January in my Sox Pride Club calendar. #32, Brian Anderson. Always amused by calendar pages featuring traded players. #
  • @hubbit @Ipstenu Calm yourselves, kids — only hours left to go, now! :) #
  • First music listen of the morning, setting the tone for 2010: @EXAMPLEyoutwit, “Watch the Sun Come Up.” Perfect. #
  • Up til 3AM, still wake up relatively on-schedule at 7:30. I feel like my lack of ability to sleep late is a big rip-off. I want zzzzzzz! #
  • Home from New Year’s shenanigans and about to crrrrraaaaasssshhhh… So sleepy! #

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I just texted my personal trainer, while confirming our regular Saturday morning appointment for tomorrow, joking that my new year’s resolution is to try and stop yawning during said regular Saturday morning appointment — something she’s always teasing me for doing. (Hey, you try getting up and over to the gym at 10AM on a Saturday after a long week, with no coffee beforehand, and lifting weights for an hour. You’d yawn too.) But in reality, I think my only resolution is to not resolve anything.

Basically, I’ve come to the conclusion that I have mixed luck with achieving my goals. There are things I am good at, and things I am not. I am good at working towards things when other people are involved: I am doing well at going back to school, for example, because there are other people there along for the ride and I get docked points if I slack off, so there is a penalty factor there. (Also it’s really $%^&* expensive and no way am I spending $3500 a quarter to fail classes.) I am good at going to the gym for my regular Saturday morning appointment to get my ass kicked, because I don’t want to bail on Laura and I know she does a better job at making me exercise than I do on my own (the muscle ache for days later proves that). These are not particularly fun things for me, but I still manage to show up because there’s some sort of accountability.

However, when no one is looking, I am crap at things that are not actually fun for me: I like going outside and walking and maybe even running some, but I like to do it on my own terms (i.e., when I feel like it) rather than on a set schedule. If no one is there kicking my ass, let’s be realistic, there are a hundred unread books on my bookshelf and if I stay home and read on Tuesday night, one of my few precious school-free days, my feet won’t hurt all day tomorrow from running on asphalt.

I’ve got some accountability set up for myself on certain things, mostly in the form of 43things. 43things is great because it ties in to my great, eternal love of making lists, but it’s not written on a piece of paper to be lost. Also, I like posting my little entries about how I am ticking things off my list; I won’t lie, it’s a bit self-indulgent, maybe, but it’s also a nice record of progress. (See my 23 (!) entries on my admittedly somewhat-amorphous goal to minimize existing clutter and excess possessions. Nothing beats down a “god, I’m never getting anywhere” funk like looking over a list of, yes, I do believe that is a record of me making actual progress, woo!) Similarly, I have a journal that I started keeping years ago about all my financial stuff; that was practically magical when it came to getting all my shit in order and my credit card debt paid off.

Still, 43things or even my very most entertaining Edward Gorey-themed journal cannot push me out of bed an hour earlier to run 5 miles before work. This simple fact has not stopped me from making resolutions along those sorts of lines in the past. These are things I do not actually want to do, but think I should do, or things I feel obligated to do for reasons not at all to do with my personal commitment to them. Here’s an example: I should probably take a calcium supplement, because I hate milk and won’t drink it, so my bones will probably crumble into dust next Wednesday shortly after lunchtime. Problem is, pills are also gross, I hate them because they dissolve and taste disgusting, and as an added bonus, they are easily forgotten about. So I could make a resolution that this, 2010, this will finally be the year that I am above reproach on the osteoporosis front. But let’s be realistic. Pills are still gross (and yes, I tried Viactiv; those just sat and gathered fake-chocolaty dust), and I’m still going to forget them, and I still won’t drink milk because ew, so resolving to do that is just setting myself up to feel really guilty in about six weeks when the bottle of calcium supplements is still rattling along, totally full minus like 3 pills, camped out next to the coffeemaker where I thought for sure this time, I won’t forget it if I put it here.

Therefore, I am opting out. There’s loads of things I could work on, but in the end, seriously, I’m just not going to drink milk or run before work. I know I should get more calcium. I know it speeds up your metabolism more if you exercise in the morning rather than at night. Not knowing these things is not the problem. The problem is I’m just not going to do them, at all, ever, even a little bit, because I do not want to. So I’m not going to make any well-meaning but misguided resolutions in a vain effort to improve myself in some idealistic fashion, because it’s not going to do anything other than make me cranky and bitter. If I want to run, I’ll go run. If I want to go to school, I’ll go to school. If I want something badly enough, I’ll just do it. But I’m not going to set myself up with reasons to bitch myself out for not being good enough anymore.

So. My New Year’s resolution is to stop resolving to do things I know I’m not going to do. Take that, WASP guilt complex!

  • Random lady on the #22 called out “happy new years, everybody!” when boarding. I like her style. #
  • I don’t know whether to be proud or ashamed I won an argument over whether or not Smurfs have tails. #
  • @smokes70 It’s your fault *I’M* watching Maury Povich right now!!! in reply to smokes70 #
  • Conductive thread for making conductive YARN does not count against my fiber purchase ban, I think. HANDSPUN IPHONE REMOTE FOR ME! #
  • @hubbit Yup. Someone used to make notebooks out of the transit cards, but her shop is no longer active, boo. :( in reply to hubbit #
  • Seems like someone on Etsy must be collecting transit cards for something. Stored value is forfeit so I wish they’d be of use to someone. #
  • Have uncovered 13 expired CTA transit cards thus far, each of which must have some value or I wouldn’t have kept them. Hooray! #
  • I don’t care what anyone says. “Pet Sematary” is one of my very mostest favoritest Ramones songs. #
  • The forecast says overnight windchills of -15. A fitting kickoff for January in Chicago. Remember your mittens when frolicking tonight! #
  • Hooray! Back from trip to Outer Mongolia with my new bookshelf. I see some household decluttering in my future! #
  • @Ipstenu I wouldn’t! That’s the point! in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu No. Math is hard. Let’s go shopping! in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @smokes70 You’re no fun. I suspect you are a math collaborator. in reply to smokes70 #
  • @Ipstenu Only if by ‘prevail’ you mean slink back to its nasty mathy cave full of math! in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @smokes70 Whaaaaat? That’s … I need a word for “stupider than the stupidest stupid thing the Stupids stupidly did in Stupidville.” in reply to smokes70 #
  • Face it, math geeks and @Ipstenu: You lost the decade/millennium argument. Majority rules! #
  • @Ipstenu Why do you smell like strawberry bath bubbles? Sam will kill you if you try anything. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu Nope. Face it. Math lost this one, back in AD 0009. :) in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Here’s to what I hope will be a brilliant new decade. Am feeling good about it already and the fizzy wine is still 12+ hours away. #

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  • @BrentDPayne I can only hope that my parents never find Facebook. in reply to BrentDPayne #
  • Now contemplating switching to electric toofbrush. Any advice? #
  • Must stop looking at Etsy. Must stop looking at Etsy. Took a sacred vow to not buy fiber until I destash half, and I’ve got a bit to go yet. #
  • Yay! Am going to go tomorrow to pick up a bookshelf from Craigslist ad, $20 for exactly what I wanted, which is like $70 new from Target! #
  • ZOMG! I can has BBC 1! #
  • Santa sent me a pressie!!!!! #
  • Hm. This weekend, I think I will clean my kitchen table and island up. #
  • Booo! @Newglarusbeer have neither Coffee Stout nor my beloved Uff-Da on their 2010 Beer Schedule. I has a sad. :( #
  • Don’t understand being told not to groc shop when hungry as will buy more. So? Will just not go back as soon as I otherwise would. #
  • @cloudlover @smokes70 Well, I found this United deal for 2ppl flight+hotel, Toronto from Chgo for like $800, w/$600 rebate! in reply to cloudlover #
  • I need a travel buddy. #
  • Longest. Week. Ever. #

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  • I like to think that the terrorists die a little inside every single time someone cracks a “undiebomber” or “Great Balls of Fire” joke now. #
  • For one thing, an actual hamster will tickle your hands with its whiskers, making you laugh. Also stuffs its cheeks & twitches nose cutely. #
  • I don’t understand why people would fight to get a fake robot hamster when they could get an actual hamster, which is far superior. #
  • It’s so hot in this office. I’d like a cup of tea but I’m afraid I’d burst into flames if I had a hot drink. #
  • @ebertchicago ITYM “Republican.” The ad is from Andy Miller, (now former) GOP, not a Democrat. in reply to ebertchicago #
  • @mgfarrelly unless you’re playing Kingdom of Loathing! in reply to mgfarrelly #
  • @BrentDPayne Last time I went, last season, it was just fine – friend brought a pro camera with a huge zoom lens, so not subtle. :) in reply to BrentDPayne #
  • Also: Best of Bootie 2009 is out, yum: #
  • Gizmodo: “President Obama, it’s time to fire the TSA.” #

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