one of the things that i hate a great deal about myself is that i’m generally very aware of the implications of the things i do. (not always, but generally. usually the things i don’t think about are spoken out loud.) for example, i don’t eat a cookie without feeling guilty, even if i really want the cookie and it’s making me happy otherwise. i have this constant little internal conversation going on with myself about everything i do. take this blog, for instance. even the most trivial shit that i post usually gets argued about — “don’t post that, you’re going to waste space on people’s friends pages and annoy them, and no one cares what buildings you like downtown anyways,” or “don’t post that, you might accidentally spoil the ending of ‘Buffy’ for someone who hasn’t seen it yet.” never mind that buffy ended two years ago! — and i won’t even begin to start in on the internal discussions that go on about less-trivial stuff. i resolved to be generally very “fuck you” to my internal voice of caution with regard to posting things here, which is what results in me posting inane shit all over the place. i like the blue light, so fuck you, stupid mental voice; i’m going to post the blue light because i feel like it, and i’ll like looking at the picture of the blue light even if no one else does, and you can just piss right off.
this, more irritatingly, comes out to play in work situations. i’ll get an inquiry from someone, and in answering it, i’ll not only think about the answers, but about the repercussions of answering: am i inadvertently usurping someone by answering, even if all i intend to do is answer? if i continue to answer after thinking that i might be doing something someone else might prefer to do himself, should i stop answering? but the question still needs answering. so is it stupid to not answer? what if by answering, it has the effect of making me look good? should i deliberately avoid doing things that make me look good, in order to avoid the appearance of trying to look like i’m trying to make myself look good? what if i don’t want to look good, i just want to answer the stupid question? what if i only reply to the original sender, instead of replying to all — that way the questioner gets his question answered more quickly, but nobody else has to see me answer, especially someone who might not want me to answer? but if i do that, am i not just playing into the making myself look good, by answering at all, game? i swear to god, i make myself crazy with this shit. that’s a true transcription of the conversation i had with myself this morning before telling someone that a machine had four cpus and sixteen gigs of core. of all the trivial goddamned shit, honestly. but don’t let me lead you on to think that this only happens with trivial shit. it happens ALL THE TIME. i feel like i can’t do anything at work without spending at least five minutes in contemplation of what it means for my position and the position of those around me. it’s fucking tiresome. i want my brain to shut up.i need a hundred grand in three years.
Virgin have commissioned spaceliners from the SpaceShipOne people. The service will be called Virgin Galactic. !!!!!!!!!!!i think that i don’t usually remember my dreams. sometimes i do, but not usually.
lately, though, i’ve been both remembering my dreams, and irritated by them, because they keep involving real people, and i don’t really want that. in fact, i think it’s safe to say that given the degree of fuckedupitude of many of my dreams, i would prefer them to be as disassociated from reality as possible. (i typed out a description of the dream i was having when i woke up, but it was just a general stupid dream — sneak preview: when i got impatient with the speed of the brinks armored trucks which were driving around the swimming pool, i got out and swam through the air instead — and didn’t really have a whole lot of bearing on this rant. alas.) i especially would like it if a couple of certain people stopped showing up all the time. like, a couple people have been in damn near every dream i’ve remembered on waking for the past week. i find that disturbing. it would be easier for me to believe that dreams are the subconscious getting rid of stress, or whatever, if they were just random people. perhaps in black and white, too. are you listening, stupid subconscious?