the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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dear white sox,

attn: mark buehrle:

you may be an all-star, but you’re also a schmuck. (i still love you … but i had to sit through sunday’s game and you’re still a schmuck.)

attn: brandon mccarthy:

brandon, honey, quit making me sad like a little puppy dog who just got kicked by someone she thought was her very tall friend.

attn: everyone else except tadahito and joe crede and a.j. and bobby jenks and maybe a few others but this exception list is getting a little long:

less sucking would be nice. i’m just sayin’.

attn: ozzie:

well, it could always be worse. i mean, you could be a zombie like dusty baker.

love and criticism,

calling in sick today, due to sleeplessness and general purpose nausea, does have the bright side of i get to watch the ballgame as it’s happening, rather than watch the gameday app and listen to the radio. (nothing against gameday; as i’ve said repeatedly to anyone who cares to listen, i really love it and think it’s a really snazzy bit of software.) actually, after i had to go and find the part where they subbed pods for pablo in the first, i learned that it’s really, really entertaining to watch baseball on 2x fast-forward on the tivo. runrunrunrun, funny little men! tee hee!

actually, in general, a DVR makes watching sports much more awesome. back up and watch something in slow-mo, back up because you missed something, fast forward and watch people run around like dazed chipmunks… pretty awesome. of course, tivo in general is pretty awesome. yay tivo! oh, konerko’s second career stolen base! that’s so cute! i love paulie and it’s his number on my fancy-pants official jersey, but my cat tiger runs faster than him. way to go, juan uribe! you’re certainly on fire lately. yay you! also, dusty baker… is clearly a ZOMBIE based on all the energy and liveliness he displays both on and off the field. with a ZOMBIE BASEBALL MANAGER, no wonder the cubs can’t win games. actually, i feel kinda sorry for cubs fans. (like, actual baseball fans, not people who go to the games to drink lots of shitty warm beer.) it’s gotta be painful to watch your team chalk up its fiftieth loss. also, i still hate you, detroit. pittsburgh, you can win some of my fickle favor by beating the pants off the ligers in this series. also, it might put you in front of the cubs in your division if you swept detroit! think of the glory of having someone else be in the basement instead of you! … please?

i’ve gotten used to the spams that know my real name:

From: Gene Smith
Subject: Sabrina Downard How are you, Sabrina Downard Your Cr-edit isn’t a issue. If you have Property and
want capital to expend anyway you wish or simply
want to decrease your fees;

and even gotten used to the ones that apparently made up a name for me because i get that not-my-name a lot:

From: Hunter Philips
Subject: Sabrina Brochure Eligible sabrina brochure, I spoke yesterday, After further review of your details our office is glad to
alert you of your approval.

but today, while checking my spam folder, i got some very creepy ones: they list valid, old addresses for me. i got nine of them in the past two days citing my old address on S. Racine, where i lived in 1996-1997, and eight of them citing my old address on N. Hermitage (1997-1999).

that’s just more than a little bit disturbing. i was willing to accept that receiving spam with my real name on it was just part of the hassles of having ever written anything with said real name on usenet, the web, a mailing list, et cetera, but … i don’t make a habit of making my address public. this could be data trolled from domain registration records, wherein i’ve always listed my correct address (uh, except for now … i guess i didn’t get around to updating it when i moved, oops!), or, i suppose, any one of a number of other sources. still, i do not like it, sam i am.

oh. em. gee.

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it’s done.

it’s the Stepping Out Coat from Hip to Knit, made with brown sheep burly spun in prairie fire (for which i paid entirely too much from the LYS, but what the hell).

Stepping Out Coat
i started this sweater in november. i had most of the parts done by march or so, and started sewing the front pieces to the back over at kim’s place, but i didn’t get around to putting on the pockets or sewing in the sleeves until now. i still have to attach the frog closure, and block it, but oh my god the fourteen thousand ends that had to be woven in are done and … holy crap, it’s finally done! oh my god. i can’t believe it’s done. i get a whole empty knitting basket back now that the sweater won’t be sitting in it!