the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

oo! a contest!

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Hostess Nic says:
“To participate, post a random fact about yourself… It can be anything–something no one would know unless you said it.”

random fact time it is, then! i think these are my favorite candies ever. (i mean, i like chocolate, but it’s not a candy candy, it’s chocolate. and i’m otherwise just not much of a candy person, absent a liking for Muscat Gummies from chinatown or the candy section of any decent japanese grocery.) De la Rosa “Dulce de Cacahuate/Peanut Confection,” a quarter each or packaged four for a dollar at any mexican grocery store in the city: i don’t think they’re anything more complicated than pulverized peanuts and sugar pressed into a little crumbly cake, but they’re soooo yummy. every time i stop at the supermercado to pick something up i have to grab a 4-pack. some people buy beer every time they hit the grocery store. i buy little peanut candy thingies. nothing against it, y’all know i love the cerveza too, but, … peanut candy thingies!

is it time to panic yet?

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as mentioned, i signed up to Knit a Square for Grandmother Purl. having acquired yarn, courtesy of Kim and her amazing stash, i have since found myself completely unable to conceive of a pattern for an afghan square.

i have gone through my books and magazines and, short of actually buying 100 Afghan Squares to Knit: Patterns and Instructions for Mixing and Matching Afghan Squares for Blankets and Throws — which seems a bit overkill — i am coming up blank. aghghghg. and the deadline looms ever nearer every day. the ball of yarn is glaring at me (from its position on the chairside table with four rows knitted of the last pattern, which, contrary to advertisement, looks pretty much like stockinette, and thus was rejected once seen in action… maybe i’m doing something wrong but i swear all it said was k2, k2tbl, rep ad nauseum…). i’m getting desperate. i’m going to end up sending a boring stockinette square, i just know it. argh!

email alert from the local yarn store, 24 minutes ago:

Good news . . . bad news . . .

so far, so good…

We are so sad to say Fleece Artist was unable to provide us yarn in time for our trunk show despite our regular check up calls. We hope to be able to reschedule it for early November.

alas. oh well! (who’s Fleece Artist?)

We just got in a huge order of Cascade 220 to use with the felted Noni bags we now have patterns for. So we are putting Cascade 220 on sale for 20% off


starting today, Friday, October 20th through Sunday, October 29th.


You may want to do some felted bags (or squirrels or hedgehogs) for Christmas presents . . .

or i might just want to buy lots and lots of yarn because DUDE, I LOVE CASCADE 220 AND I REALLY REALLY LOVE SALE CASCADE 220….

We need to make room for a new line of yarn (Brown Sheep)

uh-oh, again.

we’ll start carrying in a couple of weeks. So we’ve decided to discontinue some of our slower sellers and put them ON SALE!

dammit! stop! i’m on a budget, here! you’re killing me!

Because we’ll be carrying a large selection of Brown Sheep, almost all the companies we carry will be represented in this big sale, including Lorna’s Laces and Karabella.

you people are EVIL CONSPIRATORS TO TORMENT ME WITH YARN. don’t deny it. i know you are. i know there are sock yarns in the sale stash. sock yarns for me to buy even though i have yet to finish an actual sock!

i am doomed. i wish i brought my sock with me to work today so i could go to the LYS after work and hang out. alas.

whoa, whoa, what??

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dude. i ride the blue line to work every day. you really would think that i wouldn’t have to hear that the washington street red line subway stop is evidently closing for two years, starting next week from the CTA Tattler, but apparently i do.

(i also fail to really see why it’s only the red line washington stop that’s closing, and not the blue line washington stop as well, if what the work they’re doing is to connect the two lines’ rails — but what do i know, perhaps the CTA has magic railroad fairies to help them out.)

don’t say i never gave you nothin. :)