Hostess Nic says:
“To participate, post a random fact about yourself… It can be anything–something no one would know unless you said it.”

random fact time it is, then! i think these are my favorite candies ever. (i mean, i like chocolate, but it’s not a candy candy, it’s chocolate. and i’m otherwise just not much of a candy person, absent a liking for Muscat Gummies from chinatown or the candy section of any decent japanese grocery.) De la Rosa “Dulce de Cacahuate/Peanut Confection,” a quarter each or packaged four for a dollar at any mexican grocery store in the city: i don’t think they’re anything more complicated than pulverized peanuts and sugar pressed into a little crumbly cake, but they’re soooo yummy. every time i stop at the supermercado to pick something up i have to grab a 4-pack. some people buy beer every time they hit the grocery store. i buy little peanut candy thingies. nothing against it, y’all know i love the cerveza too, but, … peanut candy thingies!