the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

as noted previously, finished first pair of socks yesterday. yay for me! part of the delay was that i got them all done up to about the toe last weekend, but then i didn’t want to do the toe on the subway, so i got in no subway knitting, and i didn’t get in a lot of evening knitting time so it took me four days to get enough time to do the whole toe, then stitch it closed, then weave in the ends. i wanted to start a new sock monday (so i could subway knit) but i didn’t want to take the sock off the needles, so.

and so today i’m going to start a new sock.

i have to admit that i’m kind of surprised i like socks. i was always convinced that i would hate it because the yarn is so small. of course, now worsted weight feels big to me! and forget bulky-weight. trying to use the #11 or #13 or whatever needles for the fiber trends felted clogs is now really annoying to me. big yarn! it gets in my way! it’s so bulky! and heavy! and annoying! in comparison, my little sock is so elegant, compact, and — sort of succinct. it’s hours and hours of awesome knitting in one tiny little thing that people coo over. now i don’t know how i can ever go back to bulky weight!

so i broke out the wonderful yarn my SP gave me — the beautiful handdyed sock yarn — because i was kind of in the mood to do plain stockinette (instead of ribs) and i’m still too afraid to try the Baudelaire lace (maybe my next pair!! or maybe on some yarn i don’t really care about, for practice, first…). i have to admit i’m a little worried i’m going to knit badly and not do the yarn justice, since i’m not so good at the sock thing yet, but i really liked the yarn and i really want to see how it turns out… so i’m going to try. wish me luck!

ball of sock yarn

making the switch

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i am going to try really, really hard to make the switch from blosxom to wordpress this weekend. so, all you out there in RSS-land, you may notice posts disappearing, reappearing as new, reappearing slightly changed, etc. apologies in advance for the annoyingness!

but you should totally check out the new shiny, once it is all done…

too hip for this crowd

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I made a Kris Kross reference to some people today. They didn’t get it. I had to explain it. Now I’m all sad.

Dude. It was not that long ago.

Besides. Kris Kross totally gonna make you jump.


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socks! socks! i have achieved two socks! a pair! so i could, like, wear them, and stuff!

cue cathedral music and light shining down from the heavens…

Tiger with two socks!


Weather radar image

So. Let me just get this straight. For the past two weeks we’ve been hovering around 60°F (about 15°C) — in fact it was much too warm to wear a coat outside, so I was just wearing a hoodie for a jacket, and even that was pretty much just because “it’s late November and I am required by law to wear a coat” more than actual need — and yesterday it was 60°F and rainy, and now today we’re dropping down to freezing, going to get sleeted upon, and then get 3-5 inches of snow followed by another 3-5 overnight?

Stupid great lakes. Stupid lake effect weather conditions. Stupid wintertime. I do not approve.