the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

Date: 30 September 2008
From: Random Internet User
Subject: I Clicked Your Dippy Imagemap, Whee

Uhhh… Sorry if I’m being rude or anything like that, but why is your site’s name and it has nothing to do with ziggurats? Just a question.

it’s been twelve years since i first registered, in October, 1996, when i was working for InterAccess, and domain registration cost $100 for the first two years and $50 each year thereafter, from the one place you could register a domain at, Internic (they were really Network Solutions, but no one called them that) — you had to FTP a form down, and then submit it back to them, and if you ever wanted to update your domain registration information, the change was authorized either by originating from one of the authorized domain contacts, by their alphanumeric nic handles, or, if you were very badass, signed with a PGP key. if, god help you, you ever had to call the internic for anything, you could write off the entire day because you were going to be on hold a while.

if i recall correctly, my nic handle was SD1439. a friend of mine was simply SN, which i thought was super elite.

Date: 1 October 2008
From: sabrina downard
Subject: Re: I Clicked Your Dippy Imagemap, Whee

A long time ago, I bought a computer and it had a chess game on it. When I’d play the game, the computer would call itself Ziggurat. Not long after, I installed Linux on that computer, and it asked me for a name for the computer, so I gave it the name from the chess game. A year or so on, I needed a domain name, so I stuck with it. That’s why.


  • I’m a sheep. Just ponied up $30 to Obama/Biden for the pretty blue t-shirt. #
  • Aha. dhcpd “Unknown error 3213217249″ means “Your dumb ass is trying to run this as a user that doesn’t exist.” Oh, of course! #
  • @chowbok OMG CUPCAKES WHERE #
  • Some days are like this: Open mouth, crankiness spews forth uncontrollably. Like today. #
  • @chowbok How is Jenna Jameson like Colonel Sanders? #

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  • Watching CNBC these days is like watching Days of our Lives. Or, SPLAT!s of our DOOM! #
  • Really want to go home and take a nice long refreshing nap. Had too much going on this weekend to get any quality sleep. #
  • OMG, WTF, BBQ. #
  • jesus, the market reaction to the bailout vote was sudden and severe. It’s like they don’t want to be punished for their own mistakes. #
  • Stupid selfish congress, scheduling this vote for LUNCHTIME. I’m hungry, you jerks! #
  • I need a beer. This mess today is at least as deserving of being a drinking game as was the debate Friday. #
  • My hair has gotten to the point where I remember why I hate long hair, and wonder why I decided to try and get myself some again. #
  • And derailing my evening plans of relaxing and sleeping, now I have to work the early shift tomorrow. Wunderbar. #

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Dear White Sox Bullpen (and Ken Griffey, Jr.):

Just wanted to let you know — a multitude of regular-season sins can be forgiven through the skillfull execution of October appearances. FYI.


  • Javy Vasquez, you worthless sack of ex-talent. #
  • Ok. After seeing the saddest droopiest retreat of shame after hooking vasquez, i almost feel bad for booing him. Almost. #
  • This game sucks. :P #
  • The worst part about that game is I can’t even say the Indians deserved the win. No, we gave it to them, with our bullpen of MASSIVE SUCK. #
  • See, now, *that* was White Sox baseball. #

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