the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Went by Radio Shack after work to try and find an AM/FM antenna. FAIL: none in sight. One lonely FM dipole wire, that was all. Booo :( #
  • To do: #
  • Jesus Christ on a crutch, the grammy nominations are pitiful. I don’t even know where to start. Yes I do: KID ROCK?!?!!?!? #
  • Wine futures, different: #

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  • so much email! cannot cope! WHERE DOES IT ALL COME FROM. #
  • also, the weather that claims it is double-digits temperature outside is LYING. brrrrrrr. #
  • I wish I had an antenna for my stereo at home. I miss radio. #
  • @writchrd I am when the Sox are playing and I’m at home — but the game is on cable. #

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bizzy, bizzy niqui of late. the two vacations, plus work, plus the triumphant! return! to skool!, which has, it turns out, most untriumphant homework (PLEASE NO MORE TRUTH TABLES PLEASE I BEG OF YOU THEY ARE TEDIOUS AND I CAN TAKE NO MORE). plus this week i actually took a little break and watched some teevee (I KNOW!) and mourned my rosemary plant which i killed (my friend w. who watered the plants while i was in england was worried he would kill them; turns out it took me forgetting to water them before bamfing off to las vegas to do one in) and crocheted like four whole rows on my afghan (which no, i did not get done before the end of last year, which is a bummer, but I STILL HAVE HOPE and anyways i pretty much have to finish it soon because the cats have been sleeping on it and i really want to throw it in the washer to dust off the fur before it becomes structural).

so. yes! still alive. doing more than tweeting, though not much. desk is a mess; badly behind on email, again, as usual. i’m lucky i’m keeping ahead of laundry, or else this whole thing would come to a very ignominious end indeed. oh, and i think i’m going to go on a diet because it’s been like six months since the last attempt and i feel the need to add to my things that will piss me off. except, the joke’s on the diet: i keep forgetting to buy a new battery for my scale, so it will all be a giant mystery! ha! i win by default!

okay, but now i have to go make dinner and study for my bio test on saturday (oh how i love biology class; five straight hours in a lab with NO FOOD OR DRINK which means NO COFFEE which means sabrina is a sad, sad monkey no matter how interesting the subject matter — i mean, i am already schlepping my ass places at 8:45 on a saturday morning, the coffee should not only not be prohibited, it should be PROVIDED, but i think i’m getting off topic a bit here). and i think at some point i need to photoshop myself into a picture of england or something so i have some sort of motivational thingie to keep me on track when i really want to drop out of skool because it’s a drag. … 13 WEEKS LEFT 13 WEEKS LEFT (…and then like 4 years but i am ignoring that part for now).

if i sound slightly like my head is on the verge of exploding, it’s only because it is.

  • Okay, I am ready for some above-freezing temperatures now please. #
  • 6°F here. 39°F in London. I want to go back. #
  • Everyone’s SoxFest photos are so confusing. I can’t tell who people are in street clothes and with hair instead of ballcaps! #
  • @sanityknit ° :) #
  • @sanityknit I know! I have had a great deal of fun mocking. They pulled all the busses off the street for 10 lousy cm? AMATEURS. #
  • @sanityknit Of course!! Pack up and head over! :-) #
  • @writchrd Be careful what you ask for. I doubt Saskatchewan would be a preferable alternative. Or Greenland. #
  • @writchrd WANT #

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  • Dear Blago: Sweetie, it’s time to sit down and shut up for a few days. You know, before your next trial starts. No love, –sabrina #

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