the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

there are ants in my car.

ANTS. in my CAR.

i don’t mean, like, five of them. i saw five of them when i opened my trunk lid, and they were hanging out on the exterior part of the car where leaves and dust get trapped between the trunk lid and the car body, on the correct side of the trunk seal. i politely and calmly informed them that they had better leave, as i did not intend to import them to illinois, as illinois has got all the ants it needs, thank you. not that they listened, the little fuckers.

then i opened the front passenger side door. there are DOZENS of them.

and the thing is, i don’t know if they’re perfectly ordinary ants, or if they’re fire ants, because i can’t tell them apart. but i’m sure as fuck not getting in my car until they’re gone.

fire ants are lovely creatures:

Worker ants are dark, small, highly variable in size, aggressive, and sting relentlessly.

emphasis added, because … AAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!!

however, this is just a flat-out lie:

Because not all fire ants are the pest species, distinguishing native from imported is an important first step before proceeding with chemical treatment.

no! fuck no! kill them! kill them all NOW NOW NOW NOW. especially the little fuckers in my car! my poor baby car!

i know what happened. i was eating apples as snack food while driving, and while one of the apple cores made it into a plastic ziploc bag when done, i tossed one down on the rubber floor mat when i didn’t have a bag handy, intending to remove it when i cleaned out the empty water bottles that also landed down there. then i forgot when i got here.

but, dammit, it’s not like i left my car windows open for three days! the first evening i arrived, i did roll all the windows down so that i could listen to the stereo while sitting outside and waiting for mom and jack to get home, but, … GO THE FUCK AWAY! how did they find one apple core inside a car? and why did they bring A THOUSAND FRIENDS?!

i hate bugs. i don’t mean that i’m totally bugophobic and will go into a spastic fit upon seeing one — if i did, i’d never be able to make it one day in texas, much less three, because believe me, they’ve got some real winners down here — but i really, really, really don’t like them. spiders are cool, because spiders eat bugs, but everything else can just go straight to hell. especially the ones with more legs than they are legally entitled to. i am prone to yelling at them, even though bugs are not known for listening to reason (“there is no food in here! get the hell out!”), and being shaky after a serious bug-squick. i really, really, really, really hate bugs.

god bless northern climes, where bugs do the decent thing and FUCKING DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE every winter.

mom left to take one of the cats to the vet because her paws were bleeding (she possibly got in a fight or something, but it can’t hurt to have it looked at), and so i can’t leave until she gets back and tells me if those are fire ants or not, and tells me how to KILL KILL KILL KILL them DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD.

that’s it, it’s official: Texas is Hell.


Comments off

i recognize that the mayor was going out on a limb, and that the court had the right to do this, but… Bastards.


well, i’m still hopeful that there will be positive movement towards legal gay marriage in the future… and i still hope that the random couple in line that received the flowers i sent are happy.

Blosxom Transition ToDo

Comments off

. Either find a better plugin than ‘timezone,’ or hack it so that I can provide an entry-specific timezone for while i’m travelling
. Fix blox so that it doesn’t eat my //s out of http://s, or find a better plugin to do basic markup.
. Calendar/archive for sidebar.
. The mock-RSS feed for lj. (blosxom2lj?)
. Figure out how to turn the value of an RCS Revision keyword into a variable I can call out later, in the story footer line.
. sms-to-blog / moblogging.
. Blosmail, or something similar.
. Web post interface, if I care.
. Better flavour schemes, so it looks less annoying
. Comments.
. Validated CSS and XHTML.
. moved plugins out of the data directory.
. Search function.
. Translated to CSS (mostly).
. Timezone display fixed.
. Fixed breadcrumbs.
. Categories in sidebar (though skanky; am faced with hardcoding the CSS class in the plugin itself, if cannot figure out how to make A tags obey the class of the object in which they are called: ugh!)

got comments working. then had a very bad thought: what if the writeback plugin doesn’t strip inline html code in comments, e.g. ?

i was much happier before i thought that there might be such a gaping security problem…

also, got the flavours a little bit more streamlined, so the giant sidebar is only present on the main index page, versus all the pages … and the entry footer changes with whatever flavour one is viewing. yay.

oh, and the other day i managed to finish up fixing code to be valid xhtml 1.0/transitional and css, which is important to me in that “i’m an obsessive-compulsive, anal-retentive freak” way. this is actually what got me thinking about the writeback javascript security thing, thinking that i can’t control whether or not someone, while commenting, posts an image without an ALT attribute, for example.

o anyways, next will, i suppose, be blosxom2lj, as with comments enabled i’m now free to really escape lj. then moblogging, as i should have my trĂ©o waiting for me back in the office when i get back, which will be nice.

Dear Flying J just off Rt. 79 on the western side of Shreveport, Louisiana:

It was not very nice of you to lie on all those billboards about having wifi here at your truck stop. I drove all the way over here just for that.

And no, the cornbread does *not* make up for it.
