blair is a canadian-baiter. i am clearly superior, and not just because my blog allows comments:

blair is a canadian-baiter. i am clearly superior, and not just because my blog allows comments:
“In 20 Years, the American Welfare State will no longer be needed”: an interview with Grover Norquist by Pablo Pardo of El Mundo [Original (en español), Google’s mostly-legible translation]:
Q: You would like the cut the state by half in 25 years. How? A: The key is in pensions and health. Last year Bush approved the creation of personal accounts in which each citizen accumulates savings to pay for health assistance. And the platform includes a partial privatization of Social Security (“pensiones”). These two areas are a third of public spending in this country. In 20 years, half the population will be in private assistance systems and pensions. And the Welfare State will no longer be needed. To this will be added reforms to the EPA and a reduction in the authority of the FDA, which authorizes the sale of pharmaceuticals. Q: And that will be the society that you want. A: It will be a truly American society. And we will bury the Europeans. Further, we will reform immigration legislation, and bring over one million of Europe’s best minds every year. You will also be finished. But quickly, let me say why we are freer than you. Q: Why? A: Because we can have weapons.
this man is clearly insane. what the hell are you thinking? “we will bury [you]”? you will be “finished”?
way to make friends. i got an email out of the blue, today, from someone who reported to me that material had been taken from the soap site and put into an ebook which is being sold on ebay. actually, the person who contacted me says that she’s identified five or six sites from which material was taken.
now i’m really curious. i’m tempted to spend the £5.99 to buy a copy of the ebook and see for myself. except, of course, my paypal and ebay accounts are associated with my viv address, which is associated with the soap address, and were i to buy a copy i wouldn’t want to tip my hand like that and hint to the person that i was looking to see if they stole my work. bah. i’m torn between annoyance that they blatantly ignored my copyright, and amusement — the site must be a success if it’s worth being stolen and sold for cash. still, i don’t appreciate having someone make a profit off of the information i intentionally provide for free — granted, the buyers get what they deserve in regard to paying something that they ought to have spent five minutes googling for, instead, and i don’t have much sympathy for them, but it does tickle my cranky button that someone’s out there making beer money off my work and i’m not being acknowledged. also, i just don’t understand why people would buy a crappy ebook for £5.99 on ebay when they could…oh…say…go to an actual bookstore and get an actual book from a respected author for probably £6.99 or or £7.99 or so. people, people, you low-carb fuckers have gone too far! don’t mess with my wonder bread!
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Interstate Bakeries, the purveyor of lunch box staples Wonder Bread and Twinkies, filed for bankruptcy protection Wednesday, felled by the combination of a more health-conscious public and smothering operational costs. The nation’s largest wholesale baker, which had shown signs of financial weakness for months, filed for Chapter 11 reorganization and installed new management, saying it intended to survive. The company said it would continue operating its bakeries, outlet stores and distribution centers. … For more than a year, Interstate Bakeries has struggled with declining sales of its bread and sweet goods products, a drop the company and analysts blame on the popularity of high-protein, low-carb diets such as Atkins and South Beach.
(see also the Trib’s story.)
i think i’ll stop on my way home from work and buy a loaf of wonder bread just on g.p.