now you low-carb fuckers have gone too far! don’t mess with my wonder bread!

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Interstate Bakeries, the purveyor of lunch box staples Wonder Bread and Twinkies, filed for bankruptcy protection Wednesday, felled by the combination of a more health-conscious public and smothering operational costs.

The nation’s largest wholesale baker, which had shown signs of financial weakness for months, filed for Chapter 11 reorganization and installed new management, saying it intended to survive. The company said it would continue operating its bakeries, outlet stores and distribution centers.

For more than a year, Interstate Bakeries has struggled with declining sales of its bread and sweet goods products, a drop the company and analysts blame on the popularity of high-protein, low-carb diets such as Atkins and South Beach.

(see also the Trib’s story.)

i think i’ll stop on my way home from work and buy a loaf of wonder bread just on g.p.