and I don’t feel any different
the clanking of crystal
explosions off in the distance — in the distance. so this is the new year
and I have no resolution
it’s self-assigned penance
for problems with easy solutions.
i consulted my impartial third-party fashionistas piratedan and rose_kennedy on the shirt issue. it was agreed that changing shirts was the right decision. the shirt shall be revisted in ten pounds.
now, the real question: will dan kill me slowly or quickly for calling him a ‘fashionista’?i love Ill Will Press, home of Foamy the Squirrel.
also via ladytabitha, who is providing more than her fair share of my entertainment today, The Interface Hall of Shame: “…an irreverent collection of common interface design mistakes. Our hope is that by highlighting these problems, we can help developers avoid making similar mistakes.