the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

i have dithered for simply hours whether to call this entry something along the lines of “a disappointing evening,” or to go straight to the point with a heartfelt “fuck the house of blues.”

so, last night. as alluded to, went to the house of blues for the handsome boy modeling school show, which was to start at 12:30 AM.

not so much.

i left at 0245, partly out of disgust at the venue, partly out of irritation at the main act for not having bothered to show up yet, partly out of annoyance at the drunken dumb ass twits (did i mention they were drunk? because they were!) behind me who had been tugging and yanking at my backpack and otherwise jostling me in a “more than expected when you’re crowded into the front of a standing-room only floor at a hip-hop show” manner, and partly because my feet fucking hurt after standing there for three fucking hours waiting for handsome boy to come out.

seriously, i don’t know who is to blame more — the venue or the act — for the four goddamn warm-up acts, but by the time we were done with number four i’d say we were on our way to warmed-down. i mean, energy was high when they were on stage but as soon as they pulled the curtains again and dropped that goddamn projection screen to display ads for upcoming events, everybody was like, “oh.” and especially since their twenty-minute set came after a thirty-minute set change. it’s all right, i suppose, or at least less distasteful, to have two and a half hours of warm up after the posted show start time, when your show starts at like 7 or 8 or something, or you have damn seats for your concertgoers to sit in. if you’re running a post-midnight GA show, though? some of us have to work in the morning. some of us have to work at fucking four a.m.!

so, yeah. i walked out. that’s the only time i’ve ever walked out of a show before seeing the main act i came to see. i’ve walked out of shows because people sucked, or because the act sucked, but this was a new one. it was kind of funny — at two a.m., during a set-change lull, i remarked to bill that i was going to have to leave at three, partly out of “will i get to see handsome boy at all before then?” and partly out of just saying so, so that he wouldn’t be mystified when i left if it was too loud to talk at 3 when, presumably, handsome boy would be on stage. he answered, “they’ll be on by three. right?”

i wonder how it turned out. i hope it was a good show and made all that waiting around worthwhile for those who stuck it out. i’m disappointed that i never got to see handsome boy, disappointed that i could have spent that $30 elsewhere.

work went okay, though, so at least i was in bed asleep by 0530.

busy weekend afoot

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today: beer with someone, then beer and a movie with someone else
tomorrow: sleep late in preparation for !! SOCIAL WHIRLWIND !!, which concludes with a 12:30 show … from which i will go back to work so that i can do some work on a server in the maintenance window.

that last part kinda sucks. but the rest is alright.

i don’t wanna go to work today!
i don’t wanna go to work today!
i don’t wanna go to work today!
‘cos i wanna stay home!

reorg: yes. opinions: eh. no change for me on a daily basis, at least that i can see. dunno how this affects the one year rule, yet.

need to clean my house. i started cleaning it the other day, you see, and since i started with a closet reorganization (harbinger of things to come?! WHO KNOWS!), i ended up only making my main living area messier (although the hall closet is now simply delightful!). also, my television died. it was an inherited television, donated to me from bingo and whirl because they were going to get rid of it because it was acting funky. it served me well, mainly because i don’t watch all that much tv and so i didn’t mind it having to warm up for 15 minutes before it would show you a picture. (hey, how old school is that?) but one day last week it was just unwatchable, breaking into static constantly, and i was sitting there trying to watch a show, which i ended up pausing every time the static broke out, and it took me like 70 minutes to get through a 43-minute program. then it was okay for a while and then sunday it did it again, so i decided, okay, this tv has finally gone to the great recyclery in the sky. fortunately, i still have my eensy-weensy 13″ teevee — which was in my hall closet, thus prompting the closet cleaning — and again, since i just don’t watch all that much teevee i don’t care so much that it’s eensy-weensy (although it was kind of nice to have a larger screen, when the wonky teevee was working).

unfortunately, as i have no idea how one disposes of a dead television set in an environmentally friendly way, the dead teevee is currently sitting on the floor in front of my DVD/CD racks, with some laundry piled on it. 311 told me to call my ward supervisor. ward supervisor? now that must be a fun job. oh well. i’ve been meaning to call my alderman lately anyways, because i’m so damn sick of the roosevelt-columbus intersection, and people going straight from the right-hand right-turn-only lane (and nearly causing accidents with people turning right from the middle right-turn-or-straight lane). i hate that intersection, and i hate the jackasses that ignore the right-turn-onlyness of that lane.

oh man, now i have a cat purring on my shoulders and i REALLY don’t want to go to work. too bad i don’t really have much choice.

* tang likes to make up words like “rationally equal” which mean something if you break down the words, but on the surface you’re all what the shit is that motherfucker talking about.

I scored a 55% on the “How U of C are you?” Quizie! What about you?