you, you are the web designer. you are here in an advisory capacity, not a directorial one. you do not get to say how big my window has to be and no larger, nor what size the typeface must be. you get to specify, but i have the veto.
you, you are the web designer. you are here in an advisory capacity, not a directorial one. you do not get to say how big my window has to be and no larger, nor what size the typeface must be. you get to specify, but i have the veto.
i love mashups. when they aren’t outright good music, they generally amuse me.
dean gray presents american edit: american idiot vs. everyone. including john f. kennedy. and daleks. you should download it now.i miss baseball. there needs to be a winter baseball league. football can blow me.
today is the anniversary of my wrist surgery. actually, to the date, tomorrow is the anniversary — but i felt that having surgery the day before thanksgiving was more significant than having it on 24 november, so i shall celebrate wristmas every year at thanksgiving. really, it’s one of those “the five days of wristmas” things, since i broke it effectively early sunday morning, then suffered monday and tuesday, then had surgery wednesday, then SUFFERED thursday. so today’s wristmas eve. maybe tomorrow i’ll celebrate by taking some of my leftover vicodin.
things are going relatively well, wrist-wise, these days. i still have chronic minor pain, and i guess at this point i’m resigned to having it pretty much forever. but i’ve got a full range of motion back, and i can do things like pushups or downward dog without a whole lot of grief (though i do usually pay a price for them later, it’s not significant enough to make me stop).
so, i suppose really, it’s worked out pretty well for me. i was terribly worried at the outset that i was looking at a very real need to change lines of work — what good is a system administrator who can’t type? — and that seems to have been a groundless fear. my life is pretty normal, really. and that’s something to be thankful for. of course i still don’t know if i’m going to set off the airport metal detectors.