the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

So. Let’s just see here.

  • 150 pages of reading to do before next Monday’s creativity class.
  • About 20 pages of reading before next Wednesday’s writing class, but five short (one to two page) papers, two of which are due immediately because they were actually due today but I didn’t see them on Blackboard so I didn’t do them. Plus I have to go through magazines and look for ads to use as examples for a class exercise. And scan last week’s notes to send to a couple classmates.
  • Half a chapter of Spanish to finish up before Monday morning, plus extra studying before my test, which is Wednesday right before writing class. ¡Madre de Dios!
  • Two books checked out from the library today on potential topics for final project for creativity class, which I need to at least skim significant portions of over the next two weeks.

Oh, and also I’m driving 12 hours round trip to Ohio and back to go to honorary nephew’s graduation party this weekend.

Jesus. Someone remind me why I decided that going back to school was a good idea? (I may need you to do this on a continuing basis, about … say … once every twelve weeks or so for the next couple of years?)

  • Yay! Got clearance from the tower to try out something I’ve been toying with for the past few days. Excited to see if it works! #
  • Ran 4 errands (cat prescription; bits to repair grocery cart; grocery shopping; beer run), home w/ cold Goose Island by 1830. <3 loop lving! #

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leave work at 5:20. walk to CVS to pick up cat’s prescription. walk to ace hardware to look for and buy a replacement washer and linchpin to fix my grocery cart’s broken wheel. walk to jewel to buy fresh produce. walk to convenience store and buy a sixer of Goose Island.

home, drinking said Goose Island and listening to the White Sox pregame on WSCR by 6:30.


  • Dear ChiPubLib: can has that book I put on hold a week ago yet? Pleeeease? You have a copy at HW that isn’t checked out, now! <3, –s. #
  • I am a good little Girl Scout, and I hope $former_employer appreciates that about me! #
  • Dear Newest Release of Office: Jesus, do you have to be *this* ugly and non-functional? Give me my Excel worksheet tabs back!! no love, –s. #
  • Also, question: If I knitted 2 rows on each WIP every day, how long to finish all of them? (and/or lose place horribly and give up?) #
  • Class got out early today, so did a yoga DVD, and then by the time I got done with that had time to knit exactly 2 rows before time fr bed. #

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  • “Results 1 – 10 of about 67,600 for a tim burton film starring johnny depp and helena bonham carter.” #
  • This shirt.woot is for you, @shadow and @RevPirateDan: #
  • Now that they’ve banned BBQing on floats at Pride, I totally want to do it. Fight the man! GIVE ME MY BURGERS & NUDITY! #
  • Stay classy, Bacardi. Even if it did run for “only” two months, y’all still approved it in the first place. #
  • Done with homework! Done! Done! (Until class tomorrow.) #

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