the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Ah, Chicago summer nights… put on a warm fleece jacket, take a hot cup of tea outside in the balcony, until it gets too cold. Wait, what? #
  • Ending the work week having finished with something — and having it work right — is a nice bonus. #
  • @windycitizen What, didn’t they see the Very Special Episode of “ER”? in reply to windycitizen #
  • Aw! Tonight is Mullet Night! I love Mullet Night… someone make sure and take pics of goofy jumbotron player pix for me! #whitesox #
  • @hubbit I … kinda don’t hate the bean. It’s neat to look up once you’re under it. Best when the tourists are elsewhere, of course. in reply to hubbit #
  • @richardroeper Thank you for that small mercy! in reply to richardroeper #
  • Argh. Was doing okay but then objet de resentment came back up & am now feeling down. Need some sort of destressing mantra or something. #
  • Crap. Just realized that $25 book bought by accident (already have) a week ago is not returnable. Argh. At least is one fewer errand to run. #
  • Woke up this AM convinced it was Sunday & had gotten nothing done that I needed to do Fri or Sat. This says bad thngs abt my anxiety levels. #

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  • @smokes70 Make sure you tweet the results of this test! For great justice! in reply to smokes70 #
  • Am kind of a little bit in love with the Harold Washington Library lately. It’s so great on the inside! And the librarians are awesome! #
  • @hubbit Well, *obvs*, in a free society you would have chosen *that* (version of that) religion, not your silly little not-theirs one. See! in reply to hubbit #
  • @sanityknit You did it!!! Congratulations! Now you NEVER have to do 1×1 ribbing for a whole pullover again! in reply to sanityknit #
  • iMac has relented and is letting me use my mice today. It must have heard my tears of fear and rage and decided to take pity on me. #
  • 8 year old after looking at my cube toys (incl flying pig & screaming monkey slingshot): “You’re into some weird stuff.” #
  • @Ipstenu “@slowdownard”? What are you saying here?? *sniff* *sniff* in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Dear Firefox: Wd greatly appreciate it if it weren’t a 4 step process to confirm evry time I want to look at someone’s self-signed bug list. #
  • (I’ll just play the X-Files theme music while you read) #
  • @smokes70 (@Ipstenu @hubbit) Exactly! Truth in advertising! in reply to smokes70 #
  • @hubbit (@Ipstenu @smokes70) I don’t think someone really counts as a monopoly when it’s big news that you just got like 8% market share. in reply to hubbit #
  • @christensen Because people who just want to give them money are crooks and/or on deathbeds? …WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!?!?! in reply to christensen #
  • @smokes70 I really like the Mac vs. PC ads. Because… Vista, dude. I mean. It really is just *bad*. At least smarmy Mac Guy is clever. in reply to smokes70 #
  • @smokes70 Although it is entirely unsurprising that MSFT would choose to totally miss the point & just be twits instead. Twits w/lame ads. in reply to smokes70 #
  • @smokes70 Not quite so simple. MSFT ads list specific specs @ price X when price is actually lower than that. Not allowed to outright lie. in reply to smokes70 #
  • Dear DePaul: If ystdy tried to mk appt for tdy but you couldn’t & you sd call back tdy, right resp tdy is *not* “Sry, no same-day appts.” #
  • If my computer hadn’t lost its mind last nigh, was going to post a pic — I CAN HAS BALCONY NAO! Got home lst nite & it was unbarricaded! #
  • @jkknorr Amen brother. in reply to jkknorr #
  • Angry Room is in fine form this morning! (I wonder if they go through a lot of cough drops, with all this enraged shrieking.) #
  • @THEDavidTennant Snirk! Nice. :) in reply to THEDavidTennant #
  • @writchrd Happy nervousness-inciting day!!! Good luck!!!!! in reply to writchrd #
  • @christensen I dunno… that’s kind of a little bit perfect for a short, yappy creature that jumps around on couches. in reply to christensen #
  • Prob weirdest thing abt adjusting to using winbook rather than macbook is remembering *not* to ctrl-click for a right-click menu; hv button. #
  • So. Tried all ystdy evening to get Mac to cooperate; got mostly nowhere. Do not want to have to go buy a replacement all of a sudden! #
  • @writchrd But…but…then I’d have to work for Facebook! in reply to writchrd #
  • Oh, USB2.0… you so slow. Copying this data is going to be like compiling a kernel in 1995… come back tomorrow night and see if done yet. #
  • @hubbit Have 2 mice connected. Identical problem. in reply to hubbit #
  • Mac trying to lure me into false sense of complacency, so I kill this backup, by having leftclick work now after 8-10 reboots.Do not buy it. #

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  • @writchrd yeah, but I actually <3 :) in reply to writchrd #
  • Ing a reboot fixed it for like 3 mind & now no left click again!!! ARGH ARGH ARGH fml! #
  • Just had my mac decide not to use left mouse button…on either connected mouse. Sigh. Oh please, don’t do this crashy badness to me now! #
  • @hubbit Goose Island 312 :) in reply to hubbit #
  • Hooray for me: against all odds, survived the day. #
  • Mmmm, curry leftovers & samosa lunch… yum. #
  • @shadow I was going to quibble that there totally are people that would put kids in those, bt then I saw you said “sane.” Imprtnt dstnction! in reply to shadow #
  • Mental shoe review: “What the fuck? …oh, they’re Fluevogs.” #
  • @christensen I wanted to go but I couldn’t! Jealous! in reply to christensen #

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to be perfectly honest, i am a crap student. it’s just — it is beyond me, the ability to force myself to pay attention to something i don’t care about (or find tedious, pointless, or otherwise scorn-worthy). and i am an awful procrastinator, which builds up and builds up. once i fall behind then i avoid catching up because that leads to thinking about being behind in the first place, which makes me feel guilty, then i just feel more anxious and guilty about being even more behind, and pretty soon i’m hopelessly caught up in this avoidance loop. i have no idea how to go about breaking out of this sort of cycle, but it’s going to fuck me up a lot (and in a spectacularly expensive way) if i can’t get a handle on it quick. plus, i got behind in spanish when i went to ohio a couple weekends ago and i have a test tomorrow which i am not nearly so confident about as i was the last one, and that smartass crack i made the other day about an ‘easy A’? not so easy if you don’t even read the part of the chapter with the irregular verbs you have to memorize.

anyone have any ideas, books (audio preferred; it’s the only damn way i have time to read anything anymore), web sites, helpful tips, mantras, whatever?

  • Argh. are hiring linux sysadmins. And have I got a work visa yet? NOOOOO. #
  • @ColonelTribune I believe I feel “oh hell yeah”! #whitesox in reply to ColonelTribune #
  • Joe Mauer, you’re still a Twinkie and I’m still not going to root for you, but … that was a nice hit. #allstargame #
  • C’mon Buehrle! Let’s go American League! Show those NL twerps how to play ball! #allstargame #
  • Think it might be time to give up on 3 yr old Razr; it keeps crashing silently & never know it’s out to lunch. But…but… PNK! #
  • @smokes70 On my way! in reply to smokes70 #
  • @smokes70 You still there? in reply to smokes70 #
  • Depo was okay. Many questions about whether or not have ever been asked to slip payments to shady-lookin’ dude in back alleyways. #
  • This sucks. Am totally anxious about having to give this deposition, and I don’t even know the dude who subpoenaed me. #
  • @writchrd No, they’re one room over! in reply to writchrd #
  • Would it really be so wrong if I planted an Annoy-A-Tron in Angry Room? #
  • @christensen Maybe they were talking about the (delicious) New Glarus beer? in reply to christensen #
  • Balcony status: The scaffold guys are just sitting there hanging out in front of my balcony, chatting. NOW THEY ARE JUST TAUNTING ME. #
  • Dear My Missing Chicago Card: Where did you go? I miss you! sadly, –s. #
  • Balcony status update: Unchanged. Still barricaded. Maybe today? #

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