the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

you know what, guys?

i and people like me actually run this nation.


the fat chick in the white sox jersey (#14; Konerko; thank you).

we make your movies; we keep your money moving.

direct deposit? that’s me.

email? that’s me.

i keep the booze moving too, because, UPS and fedex?

we pwn them.

it’s all about the computers. and you and your silly twit friends who, like, type memos quickly?

we pwn you too.

so don’t lean on my table, bitch, ‘cos i’ll take you to school.

(and i did! hah!)


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there’s some basketball game on tonight.

who knew?


…or not.

family matters necessitate driving down south for the weekend. i expect that the twelve-hour drives (each way) will be the most pleasant parts of the time.

sorry for radio silence lately. it’s been nothing worth writing about, except for the occasional photo op. if i had a fancy-pants plugin (or cared), i’d post my delicious links to the blog automagically, but … i don’t. there may be some more photo ops while i’m gone, assuming i have cell signal for this silly gadget. presumably there may be some flickr fodder as well, as early summer is not an altogether unpretty time to pass through the ozarks, though i’m not exactly going to be sightseeing.

still, i’ll be missing pride, a cookout, and a friend’s birthday party in order to go away this weekend, and those are just the cherries on top of what constitutes a rotten road trip sundae already.

oh well. at least i’ll be able to make inroads on my trucker tan.


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Here; in lieu of blog entries of substance: have a flower.

the beer guy that won't climb stai

This beer guy has become more and more reluctant to climb stairs. I really feel that accepting a job as uppe deck beer guy implies that one must climb stairs. He gets no tips. Also, go White Sox!