the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

sometimes it’s nice to send emails like these that remind me why i do this job:

On 18 Oct 2005, $USER filed the following request for more disk space:

: Quota Area: web
: Request Size: 20 [ADDITIONAL]
: Beginning: 10-25-2005

On 25 Oct 2005, I replied:

: Hiya. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to fulfill this request.
: At the time being, we're really tight on web disk space with no timeline
: for the upgrades which would allow us to grant larger quotas, and since
: this is not for academic reasons we have to prioritise those requests
: higher. At some point soon, we hope to be able to increase quotas, but
: I don't know yet when that'll be.

none of you who have not been in this position know how completely lame i felt in turning down someone’s 20MB increase request. but, in my defense, we really honestly had only 120MB free on that filesystem!

On 09 Nov 2005, I replied further:

: Hiya, again. Good news -- we got our additional disk space for webpages
: on harper, so I've just bumped your quota up to 50MB.

sometimes it’s nice just to be able to do something simple to make someone happy.

illness: 5, sabrina: 0

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day five of … sitting at home, ill. BORED NOW. have rewired the stereo system, already completed major bookshelf overhaul, hung up a picture, and am tired of television, the intarwebs, and reading.

on the bright side, i seem to be able to talk and even sing today, if badly, off-key and ridiculously nasal (and i miss all the higher notes, just because i can’t make those sounds at all apparently — it’s a bit weird really, trying and having nothing come out. nonetheless, anyone who’s capable of making me really, really angry will be gratified to learn that i will be incapable of using my usual shrill voice to express my sentiments. sad!). plus, most of the time, now, trying to take a deep breath doesn’t even trigger a really rotten-sounding cough, wherein my lungs attempt to exit my body via the trachea. so that’s a plus. no, now the cough just sort of lies in wait for me to be unprepared. still, a change is welcome, if nothing else.

i have high hopes for returning to work tomorrow. which is really too bad, because we’re completely overstaffed and ahead of schedule on everything, so i’m sure that my having been out of the office since last thursday has had absolutely no effect on anything at all.

apparently, my apartment building has a PA system in the hallways. i discovered this as, while i was sorting laundry this fine evening, i heard a broadcast of some sort in the hallway. assuming it was a security person’s unusually loud walkie-talkie, i wandered over to the door and peeked out; upon seeing nothing, i opened the door to listen in.

“the fire has been put out. you can stay in your apartments.”

well. i suppose it’s good to know they don’t set off the fire alarms and sprinklers until they at least give putting it out the old college try.

odd. very odd.

pains in my ass

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i suppose, if nothing else, the relentless attack of the realtors who are trying to sell my apartment unit are at least useful in terms of preventing me from letting my apartment sink back into its usual state of loosely organized clutter, as i’m far too proud to let strangers see my apartment when it’s messy.

i still don’t like it, though, random strangers looking around my house. frankly, considering that my lease isn’t up until april you’d think i’d have a bit more time before they’d go all show-crazy. it’s a bit like rubbing it in that they’re kicking out us lowly renters.

ah well, $147k is too much to pay for a place where the a/c can’t even get the room temp below 80°F in summer. y’all are welcome to it. just don’t poke through my shit or steal nothin’.

sickness is a good excuse to drag out old videotapes and watch a TV show.

ah, twin peaks. how very odd you are.