the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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i think that, last night in my sleep, i went walkabout, joined a construction crew, operated a jackhammer for a few hours, ripped up a couple streets’ worth of asphalt, then came home, showered the asphalt dust off, and went back to bed, because damn does my back hurt for no good reason this morning.

also: to the girl running down woodlawn avenue in a t-shirt and shorts at 0935 this morning: honey, put on some pants. you’re making me cold just looking at you.


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Homeward bound.

status checklist

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still not enjoying insomnia as a lifestyle: check.

plus: am in p-town having insomnia, which means no speedy wireless, no cats, and no food at 4AM when i’m starving to death. am seriously contemplating sneaking out of grandma’s house to go find a 24-hour denny’s or something.

so i wanted to get some tickets for the ladytron show at metro in april. managed to finagle some friends to come with me, going to be a good time.

of course the ticketmaster fees were practically half again of the face price. i hate ticketmaster so much. they have us trapped and they know it. if i was going to be up on the north side any time soon i would have just gone to the damn box office, but nooo.

i curse you, ticketmaster, and your ticketbastard ways.

hey, shadow

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you need to speak more into the mic, dude. :-)