the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

equal and opposite

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somewhere, somewhere there is a moron. this person is responsible for setting the list of songs to appear on a compilation disc called Their Greatest Hits by the Eagles. this person is responsible for excluding the song “Hotel California.” this person is responsible for making sure that when i woke up this morning with “Hotel California” inexplicably in my head i had no MP3 to conveniently play.

of course, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so somewhere else there is a very smart person, and that very smart person is me for just happening to have the Hotel California lp.

last thing i remember, i was running for the door;
i had to find the passage back to the place i was before.
“relax,” said the nightman, “we are programmed to receive:
you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.”

ETA: okay, they weren’t a moron. i checked; this compilation covers through ’75. Hotel California was, of course, ’76. my bad. — that said, i’m still very smart. :P

catblogging friday

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catblogging friday
Tiger’s wearing green. Kinda.


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Snow Advisory canceled…

i am thoroughly unimpressed with the performance of the national weather service today.


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niqui: *shows up at 1320 for 1400 appointment with the oral surgeon*
receptionist: *shoves endless pile of paperwork at niqui*
niqui: *eventually asks for her ID and insurance card back*
receptionist: oh, i still have to photocopy them. give me a minute.
niqui: …
niqui: *waits another half hour; reads The Princess Bride*
tech #1: you can come back now. okay, over to the xray machine.
niqui: *is xrayed*
tech #2: okay, we’re going to show you a little video now. it’s wonky in the beginning but it gets better.
video: *is completely crappy; terrifies niqui with its contents*
niqui: *stares at corner rather than the display; has mental debate over whether or not she should read her book until the scary bad man is off the teevee*
video: *remains completely crappy until the end — bars of static obscuring a third of the screen — where it becomes inaudibly and unviewably crappy*
tech #2: all done?
niqui: you need to replace that tape. it was unwatchable.
tech #2: it’ll be just a few more minutes. *disappears again*
niqui: *resumes reading*
techs 1-5: *sit outside niqui’s door gossipping about their lives.*
niqui: *resents being forced to watch unwatchable video instead of being talked to, while everyone is so clearly busy out there*
surgeon: *appears!*
surgeon: do you have any questions?
niqui’s mental voice: what did i ever do to you?
niqui: no, i’m just slightly terrified.
surgeon: okay. *looks at xray* so why are you here today?
niqui: …
niqui’s mental voice: uhhhhh……
niqui: …for my wisdom teeth.
surgeon: oh, look at that one. that’s interesting.
niqui’s mental voice: oh do not even tell me my teeth are interesting because that shit i do not need.
surgeon: that looks like two teeth! or, well, maybe it’s just one. i can’t really tell.
niqui’s mental voice: i am going to die in here.
surgeon: you know, i’ve looked at thousands of xrays, i’ve seen ones where — *gestures, describes various frightening wisdom tooth scenarios niqui never needed to know about* — but that’s the first time i’ve seen something like that.
niqui: *begins composing Last Will and Testament.*
surgeon: so i’m not really concerned here.
niqui: …
niqui: *stares at two lower wisdom teeth on xray, both of which are squashing niqui’s normal teeth sideways*
surgeon: i don’t really want to take those two out. they’re so close to the nerve.
niqui’s mental voice: then SEND ME TO SOMEONE ELSE.
surgeon: tell you what, *scribbles out a scrip for amoxicillin, scribbles out a scrip for motrin*, come back in two weeks and we’ll see if we want to take these teeth out.
niqui’s mental voice: yes, perhaps the AMOXICILLIN will take care of the problem. i hear it’s great for removing teeth from my jaw. just like magic
accountant: that’ll be $5, please!

… so: today sucked. tomorrow’s to-do list now includes this line item:
call insurance company and ask how one can appeal the doctor to whom one was referred for services, if said doctor is A MORON.

note to self: forget that the dan ryan ever existed, until 2008 or so.

straight from the horse’s mouth:

“Drivers of passenger vehicles should avoid the Dan Ryan entirely,” said IDOT Secretary Tim Martin. While many motorists will use public transportation or IDOT-designated alternate routes, truckers will be urged to stay on the expressway because their vehicles are too heavy for local streets. “Our message is ‘Cars Off, Trucks On,'” said Martin.

in order to accomodate increased traffic on the locals… (via various sources):

“Cars will be ticketed [now], but beginning Monday April 3rd, cars will be towed. By March 15th you’ll see signs banning parking during rush hour on several streets, including Cottage Grove, Stony Island, Halsted, Ashland, Roosevelt, and King Drive.” “This is due to reconstruction of the Dan Ryan south of Roosevelt to I-57. They are closing the on ramp outbound on Roosevelt and directing all traffic down Halsted.” “In the meantime expect long traffic delays on Halsted and most likely all major north-south streets that parallel the Dan Ryan or are near the Dan Ryan. In addition, southbound traffic on the Dan Ryan will experience ‘drastic’ delays that will back up the Kennedy and the Edens. ‘Drastic’ is the word posted on the signs on the Kennedy. It is advised that you plan alternate routes, extra travel time, or take public transportation.”

well, all of this certainly sounds like a lot of fun! i think i will revisit the idea of switching back to transit/transit+bike after i move. seriously, fuck this noise. i am not driving an hour one way to work and spending it all in gridlock. really, it just figures that this happens right after i finally cave in and get a parking spot at work. (yes, it could be argued that i am a dumbass, as i never take the dan ryan and thus simply forgot about it all, and if i had been thinking clearly i would have seen that “south traffic” == “teh suxx0r for years to come,” but. i prefer to blame others, such as ephemeral forces of fate who do bad things to me when taunted!)

see also, for all your late-breaking bad news updates: (obligatory explanation: i do not now take the ryan to work, nor had i planned to begin taking it after i move — i take LSD0 and like it that way — but if LSD and all the locals are going to get stupid, … i have better ways to spend my time than in my car sitting on my ass burning useless gasoline while i idle in bumper-to-bumper traffic or crawl down a street from intersection to intersection. that’s what bus drivers are paid to do, and plus, they’re way meaner than me when it comes to sneaking through red lights.) —