the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

insult to injury

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insult to injury
$50 ticket on top of the $160 towing fee. Good thing I didn’t spend money on those cute shoes yesterday, after all.

this sucks

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this sucks
Apparently I parked in a tow zone at the vet this morning. Tiger is not very happy about this situation. Neither am i: MY COFFEE AND BREAKFAST WERE IN THERE, YOU BASTARDS!


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What’s more awesome than a successful impromptu shoe shopping expedition on the way home from work? $14.72 including tax, that’s what! (now, no one snicker when I fall over trying to walk in four-inch heels, ‘kay?)

curious new hallway decor
If thy fire alarm doth offend thee…

i am on so many drugs i didn’t even notice that i forgot to take one of them all day yesterday. (it was an anti-inflammatory; if it had been a painkiller i certainly wouldn’t have forgotten it). am lucky i didn’t try to take my cat’s antibiotics by mistake. his are apparently beef-flavored.