the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

this is the only time you’ll have me cheering for you so don’t get used to it.

also: WAY TO GO, PAULIE. that’s my guys, gettin’ the job done, boys. playing white sox baseball even if it is the all-star game. take note, suckers.


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cingular is accused of forcing attws customers to upgrade (at their own cost) and degrading their service if they didn’t? you don’t say!


go go-go white sox

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courtesy of LiveJournal userinfo�writchrd:

i may give them grief, but i still love my guys.

a busy day

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5 July 2006


I am resigning my position as Senior System Programmer for NSIT/NAS as of Wednesday, the 19th of July, 2006.

I have enjoyed my time at the University and feel privileged to have taken part in the work we have accomplished together.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your organization.

Sabrina L Downard



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my neighbors are totally dedicated to the art of shooting off illegal fireworks. they take this shit seriously.

ETA: they take it seriously for hours and hours. also, whoever set off that display on ashland did a hell of a bang-up job. if they spent less than a grand on fireworks i’ll eat my hat, and i wouldn’t be really surprised if it was twice that.