the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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so far at the new job, i am averaging one set of free tickets to some event per month. first, i got vip tickets to go see george benson at northerly island pavillion — all previous and future rants about smooth jazz aside, it was (a) a gorgeous night to go watch a show on the lakefront, and (b) it was a really fun time. then, i got to go watch the cubs win on a spectacularly gorgeous friday afternoon. today, though. today i scored some bulls tickets. only. they’re, uh. they’re. they’re really good tickets. courtside. on the south side, right by the end of the court. like, um…if i have problems seeing any of the action it’ll be because the players are in my way. and it’s versus the knicks. um. they’re. um. they’re really good tickets, dude. i might be just a little tiny smidgenly bit still surprised someone offered them to me. oh, yeah, and, um, — we’re hiring.


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guess what was waiting for me when i got home from work last night?

that’s right! the awesome people who shipped my new spinning wheel out from just-across-the-state-line, wisconsin, shipped it ups ground, which took only one day to arrive, and … instead of having a little yellow UPS delivery attempt notice stuck on the front gate, apparently one of my neighbors was home to accept the delivery! it was not even standing outside on the front stoop, it was carried up to the second floor landing, just waiting to be carried one final flight of stairs. (near as i can figure, this was a two-neighbor effort: the first floor neighbor works from home, so he probably accepted the delivery, but he doesn’t have access to our stairwell, so the second-floor neighbor probably carried it inside.) and! and it gets better! the wheel “required assembly,” which i was a little bit nervous about (having never worked on a wheel before, beyond playing with one briefly at Kim’s a year or two ago, the prospect of assembling my own was daunting). but as it turns out, the wheel manufacturers are so clever as to do all the hard work for me so that all i have to do is put the base on the floor, insert the upright into the base and screw it in (one screw), then plonk the top part on top of the upright, and screw it in (one screw). it took me about ten minutes, and only that long because i put it together without screwing it in place and then couldn’t figure out why the drive band kept slipping off the bobbin (turns out that alignment matters). then i happily pulled up an episode of “Star Trek” which had magically appeared on the DVR — “I, Mudd,” and can i just take this opportunity to say once more how much i adore WWME? because i do! — and tried it out. i can happily say that any incompetence reflected in the yarn (and oh boy is there a lot of it) points a beacon of blame straight at me, not the wheel. the wheel is very smooth and quiet and it’s sort of entertaining to watch the air fanned by the wheel blade blow back the fur on my cat as he stares suspiciously at it. i kept breaking the yarn because i can’t quite seem to get the twist right — i’d alternate between too much twist and the yarn would wrap back on itself, versus not enough twist and the yarn would pull apart and i’d have to re-thread it and go again. but i did get probably, um, … a yard or two successfully spun, in between breakage-rethreading incidents, so i feel confident that with a little more effort, using the wheel will be as painless as using the drop spindle. (can i just say again how excited i am that i didn’t have to wait until this weekend to get my new wheel? OH EM GEE. excitementpalooza! man, am i just the world’s biggest nerd.)

this is just what i need

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so, i, uh, i did a bunch of work yesterday on the finances, and i, uh, wrote a really fucking big check to discover card, and, um, i discovered that that check is going to save me some money over the next year, and, um, i decided to spoil myself by spending slightly less than the now-realized 21% savings on that cash over the next 13 months on, um, don’t mock me, a spinning wheel.

(finances: yes, i was sitting on cash. i have been sitting on some cash for months, though it is nice that apparently i just got my direct-deposit of my 2005 tax refund — don’t ask. it’s because after living paycheck to paycheck for so very long, including the first part of this year where i was literally charging my groceries in order to save up for my move, i got very, very paranoid about spending cash. anyways, new job == sitting on cash. i knew it was bad but i couldn’t seem to bring myself to spend it, until sunday i went “let’s figure out exactly how bad of an idea this is” and figured out how much cash i could afford to fling at creditors without losing the entirety of my little comfortably above-zero checking account balance. there was excel, of course, because as everyone knows i adore excel and it does my bidding without argument because it knows i love it, and i will get up in the face of any linux weenie who defames its fabulousness with “one word: FORMULAS.” anyways. turns out if i flung $X at discover now (basically 5x the monthly payment they were going to get for november anyways), i get paid off two months early, next year, *and* i pay like $350 less in aggregate interest. (GOD, I LOVE EXCEL.) so. this is really the best of all possible worlds, wherein i lose the guilt of sitting on cash, gain happiness at realizing of how much cash i am depriving discover card, and gain further happiness at getting a cool new spinning wheel. also i get to make excel do cool things to entertain me, which i enjoy. that said…) i really really wanted a spinning wheel — i mean, i like my drop spindle and all, but it does actually wear on you to use it. i spun something like 100 yards (guessing) of shetland top into singles yesterday, and by the time i was done:

  • my feet hurt, from standing, because i’m too big of a dumbass to wear comfy shoes or at least cushy socks;
  • my right arm was slightly tired from constantly hanging out in front of me or over my head;
  • my right shoulder was a little stiff from my arm hanging out over my head,
  • and dude, my thumbs were killing me from drafting.

also, i was just a little bored of standing up, and felt bad for probably driving my downstairs neighbor nuts because every so often i would let the yarn untwist and the spindle would plonk down onto my hardwood floor. so. yeah. i wanted a spinning wheel. a spinning wheel will still involve thumb pain from drafting, and possibly a tired leg, but i figure if i use my left leg, which is totally buff from using the clutch (i joke, except for how i don’t; and don’t worry, you’d have to drive stick regularly to get that) then i should be good. at least i’ll get to sit down.

also, i’ll be able to ply my singles, which i haven’t yet figured out how to do with the drop spindle, since i lack bobbins. i pretty much spin up very decorative little skeins which then sit in a basket and look nice, with the drop spindle. (see, only now does the purpose of a lazy kate become apparent!) and also, see, this post is a perfect example of one of the reasons i have been contemplating switching blog software. don’t get me wrong, i love blosxom — it’s been just this side of “completely painless” for the over two years i’ve been using it — but, dammit, this post should go in at least three (maybe four, now) categories, and yet i’m limited to the filesystem hierarchy model of categorization, so here it is as hobbies. insofar as “knitting,” “spinning,” “finances,” and “blogware” are hobbies, i suppose it works, but, dammit, i want real keywords. so i’m eyeballing new software choices. so long as i’m moving to a new web host, which i totally, totally am — the idiots at the current webhost still have not bothered to respond to my last email (which was “um, you broke my chroot, please give me my shell back in the chroot so i can run my vi shell macros and, you know, like, ‘!!date’ and stuff, and oh by the way would you be so good as to ACKNOWLEDGE THIS EMAIL since you always totally blow off all my unix support requests?”) of several weeks ago, which is really just like playing poker and getting dealt a card at random which says “Dear Sabrina, Boy, is your webhost ass; You really should pick a new one. Love, Fate.” (is that a fifth keyword? anyways.) so. thinking of WordPress. it seems overkill, but i am also lazy and tired of shopping for the perfect blog software which, if it’s not blosxom (which it clearly yet sadly isn’t), appears not to exist. so i may just go with WordPress. anyone who cares to express any opinions to me on this matter, i’d welcome your input. but let’s get back to what’s really important here: as a unix system administrator and IT support professional who cooks well and makes things from scratch, makes her own soap from scratch, can sew (but doesn’t really like to), knits things, and spins her own yarn — i am well-suited to working in the computer department of any pioneer settlement. i’m just saying, you know, when Stephen King’s The Stand comes true in real life, you won’t be mocking my lunatic hobbies then, ol’ Stinky-Hasn’t-Got-Any-Soap, will you?

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as mentioned to no one on this blog, apparently, after a quick browse over previous posts (though i thought i had) … my first real honest-to-god sock … was a mutant sock that would fit no one, save perhaps Bigfoot. not me, not Kim‘s fourteen year-old son with the shoe size of “this kid’s going to be competition for Brandon McCarthy someday,” presumably not any actual human of my acquaintance. and since there have not been any Bigfoot sightings in the Chicago area recently, it is with great sadness that i announce the frogging of my sock.

this sock started out from the humblest of beginnings — superwash wool from the $1 bin at Loopy Yarns, and with low expectations for future success, as it was the first time i was trying to make a sock on two circs (also bought on closeout, at a different LYS, that was going out of sale). the yarn mostly had “dude, dollar yarn” and “pretty blue” going for it, and it was actually a little heavier than most sock yarns. this was probably a major contributor to its eventual demise. if only i had put it on a low-carb diet! the sock was well-travelled. it went with me on multiple expeditions, notably but not limited to the mechanic’s and toComiskey Park to watch the Sox painfully lose a late-season game from the Bullpen Sports Bar patio. its trip to Comiskey no doubt contributed to the number of gauge variances, as my tension grew tighter and looser over the course of the entire heel flap. the instructions were also not helpful, as they confused me into continuing the 2×2 ribbing across the entire foot, which you just know would have been uncomfortable to walk on. after journeying to Ohio Linux Fest 2006 and being assiduously knitted on in the AFS panel, among others, the sock grew to the point where i figured “that looks footlike,” and then it travelled on with me to northeastern ohio, where a senior medical opinion was sought and then delivered the diagnosis of incurable gargantuanism. the sock lingered on, never giving up hope, as it sat loyally on the table to the side of my living room chair, and while i continued to deny that it was a lost cause. other knitting projects were jostled and fell to the floor (it’s a crowded table, since evidently i’m too lazy to stretch the extra ten inches to the actual knitting basket) while the mutant sock sat in a position of relative honor, in the center, far from cats moving things aside to better sit on the arm of the chair or from being tossed ignominously to the ground after i walked incautiously past the table. but lest you think the end was all denial and grouchiness, the sock had one final fling — as i’ve worked my (second, current) sock up to the toe, but i was unwilling to have it have my first toe in case i screwed it up — a decision made after i knit the first five rows of the toe and decided i was screwing it up — i picked it up this morning and knit a toe onto it while watching a couple of episodes of “The West Wing”. (and lo, a third or maybe sixth tension was knit into the sock, as the toe was nice and dense, unlike pretty much the entire rest of the sock. oh well.) now i am feeling up to knitting a toe on my actually-fits-me sock, and have great hope for eventually actually owning a pair of hand-knit socks. however, to all things there is a season, turn turn turn, la la now i have the byrds stuck in my head — great — and so today the sock was reincarnated into stash yarn. i’d like to observe a moment of silence for my poor doomed sock.

Frogging the sock Winding up the yarn Sad balls of yarn alas, poor sock. i knew you well. at least now you’ll get a chance to be a real sock someday!