the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • @chowbok You mean when they’re not telling us we’re unpatriotic fake Americans? #
  • Cat walked over my face this morning while I was barely awake. Left me with a nice red scratch all down my cheek too. Bad kitty. #
  • Another boomers-suck screed. I still pretty much agree. #

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  • You know, it really is an astoundingly gorgeous day out today. #
  • The breeze off the lake feels fanTAStic. #
  • Ok. Starting to be over the crush now. #
  • I assume the cell network in the park was overloaded — texts and calls were non-starters for the past few hours. Woe, O lost tweets! #
  • Okay. Winding down. Bed now. Yay! #
  • Last night, I admired the audacity of hope displayed by the person who snuck the weed in past Secret Service security. #
  • I am not convinced that Orville Redenbacher really needed to invent Lime & Salt flavored popcorn. Salt goes without saying, but lime? #
  • Trying to decide if it’s wise to sign myself up for two French classes a week. One is only a half-hour pronounciation workshop, but . . . #
  • Photo on Trib main web page is President-Elect Obama in his car. President-Elect Obama in his car wearing a Sox hat. Represent! #
  • I wasn’t convinced at first, but the mellow smokiness of Harrods Earl Grey No. 42 is really growing on me now. #

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  • Am so twitchy and ready for this election to finally happen! WANT EXIT POLL CRACK NOW PLEASE. #
  • Why do I have the feeling that attempting to get any productive work today will be an exercise in “not gonna happen”? #
  • Reports are starting to filter in that the temporary-replacement coffee machine is committing coffee brewing fraud. Developing… #
  • mmm, pink donut. #
  • This is rough. I want exit polling crack NOW, NOW, NOW. #
  • @secabeen But that does not matter! I WANT THE CRACK. #
  • @smokes70 Meet me down in a dark alley by Congress and Michigan, around 8:30…. #
  • @mizmoose CNN is in the tank for Decepticons! #
  • @chowbok But… but… but… CRACK!!! #
  • @robotviki wow, that’s quite a view from your office, there. #
  • Completely fried. Can exist on tenterhooks only so long before I want to subjugate myself to some monarchy so I can quit having opinions. #
  • @chowbok I’m thinking more along the lines of dead punk rock stars. #
  • @juggernautco see you there :-) #

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  • Am so twitchy and ready for this election to finally happen! WANT EXIT POLL CRACK NOW PLEASE. #
  • Why do I have the feeling that attempting to get any productive work today will be an exercise in “not gonna happen”? #
  • Reports are starting to filter in that the temporary-replacement coffee machine is committing coffee brewing fraud. Developing… #
  • mmm, pink donut. #
  • This is rough. I want exit polling crack NOW, NOW, NOW. #
  • @secabeen But that does not matter! I WANT THE CRACK. #
  • @smokes70 Meet me down in a dark alley by Congress and Michigan, around 8:30…. #
  • @mizmoose CNN is in the tank for Decepticons! #
  • @chowbok But… but… but… CRACK!!! #
  • @robotviki wow, that’s quite a view from your office, there. #
  • Completely fried. Can exist on tenterhooks only so long before I want to subjugate myself to some monarchy so I can quit having opinions. #
  • @chowbok I’m thinking more along the lines of dead punk rock stars. #
  • @juggernautco see you there :-) #

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…Lindsey Miller, 23, votes at the same polling place as Obama. She said Secret Service agents were checking names off a list and using metal-detecting wands on some would-be voters as they entered the polling place. The line was around the block at 6 a.m., she said.

“A lot of people were in pajamas. I know I was — not the time you want to be on national TV,” the University of Chicago graduate student said.

so. you live near obama. in fact, you vote at the same polling place. you chose not to vote early, and you chose to vote early in the morning, when it was highly likely that this very highly-observed candidate for the highest office in the land would be on site casting his own vote. you have presumably watched television in the past and know that national television news likes to cover candidates casting their votes. you saw the line and the secret service agents. and … YOU COULDN’T PUT ON A PAIR OF JEANS BEFORE LEAVING THE HOUSE?

i mean. seriously. i am not a highly trendy person, but i think the time has come for america to start paying a little more attention to our dress habits. PAJAMAS, to vote at the same polling place at the same time as a person who is possibly going to become the next president of the united states? in what universe is that sartorially okay? pay attention! pay attention and wear pants!

(…and don’t even get me started on people on airplanes, man.)