the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

1) Matzoh ball soup. We used to be able to get this at Finkl’s on S. Financial Pl., but they closed and left a gaping hole in my lunches.
2) Fish and chips. NOWHERE. There is no justice.
3) Chicken schwarma. We used to be able to get this from a place on S. Clark St., but they closed and, inexplicably, were replaced by a crêperie. Because there’s so much demand for crêpes around here. I WANT MY CHICKEN SCHWARMA (and kickass hummos) BACK.
4) Curry. Burrito Buggy does scary curry (it is from Burrito Buggy, after all), and Village Restaurant does extremely oily curry (at a distance), but nobody does good curry.
5) Really good french fries. You can find fries several places, but none of them are really satisfying when what you want is really good fries.
6) Macaroni and cheese.
7) Chicken salad sandwiches. (The ubiquitous Potbelly’s does not count.)

Proposed solutions:
1) The Rage needs to open up a loop location. This solves actually most of these problems as I would just eat there every day for the rest of my life (until I died of deliciousness poisoning).
2) Finkl’s must come back. COME BAAAACK, PLEEEEEEEASE!!!
3) We need an authentic chippie. With authenticity emphasis on the food, not on the vintage “My Goodness, My Guinness” signage.
4) Or I could just give up and learn to stop complaining. Hahaha, as if that’s going to happen. GIVE ME BUTTER CHICKEN NOW!!

  • @sanityknit I’d make a pot-kettle crack, but you’re right, Pokemon is totally dorking. Sorry @kbcraigs! #
  • Also, ‘dorking’ is English-while-very-very-sleepy for ‘dorky.’ Just go with it. #
  • Car alarm going off for entire 2hr lecture so far. On 9th floor-anyone got a brick? #
  • Making chicken tortilla soup. Cannot wait for its triumphant being-done-ness, as even in progress, it’s totally yummy. #

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  • “And my head keeps spinning: Can’t stop having these visions; I gotta get with it.” #
  • New /etc/system post: “Good enough, move on” #
  • I want to go back to London. #
  • Jon Stewart on CNBC: #
  • @EricZorn Ha! nice. #
  • @mizmoose Luck!! #
  • WHY FRIDAY AFTERNOON GO SO SLOW. WHY WHY WHY. raaaaa. Does the world not know it is beautiful out and we want to be outside already?? #
  • @The_Beard Cupcakes, you say? Cupcakes… hmmmmmmm. I do like a good cupcake. #
  • Hope all is safe and sound at UIC. :( #

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  • @sanityknit Hold out! Don’t be a lemming like all the rest of us! #
  • Just called CC co. to dispute a charge; 10 minutes later it’s dealt with. A change of pace from the nightmare that was trying to cancel. #
  • @robotviki I know! I just went outside…WITH NO COAT ON! And I didn’t die of exposure!! I’m still reeling in shock. #
  • I wonder if she was in a Volvo? #
  • I am singing a little song about yaml. A very little song. Which is mostly just the word ‘yaml.’ #
  • It’s 6pm, warm out, and light. Maybe spring really is on its way! #

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