the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • So <3 my peeps in Hyde Park. #
  • @sanityknit @YarnHarlot Sadly, Colbert is right: #
  • CNBC rises to new heights of silly countdowns, with an embedded “MADOFF WATCH” video window, and counter to MADOFF PLEA, today. #
  • Seriously, I honestly believe if you sat the CNBC crew down and said they couldn’t have any countdowns for a month, they’d be in withdrawal. #
  • The spot in our corridor near the stairwell, which always smells of smoke, today smells like booze. Like, day-old bar smell. Afraid to look. #
  • “Willis Tower”? Oh, fuck /that/. #
  • @ColonelTribune Hahahahahahaha. No. It’s frankly ridiculous for them to think a name change would affect more than letterhead. #
  • @redeyechicago Make official what everyone always calls it: The White Castle Building. #
  • @BSHQ FTW. #
  • I wish I could just give the Sun-Times money. I don’t want you to fold… but I just don’t want the lame dead-tree edition! #
  • Should’ve researched before tweeting: apparently, I /can/ just give the Sun-Times money! #
  • @hubbit You mean like this? #
  • @hubbit Like me and giving the Sun-Times money! Hooray for fulfilled wishes! #
  • Can’t currently decide if I’m going to subscribe to CSO next year. None of the programs really look that compelling. #
  • Also, Defamer sucks since Gawker took it over. Grraraghhh. #

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  • Disappointed at the cold turn of weathery events from tomorrow. Still. Less than a month ’til baseball, and that ain’t too shabby. #
  • @hubbit You really do! It’s marvellous. :) #
  • I have to stop mocking Facebook now — someone I parted ways with in 1991ish just got in touch, I’ve been trying to find her for years. !!!! #
  • There appears to be a talent necessary for developing a good Quicken budget, and I lack it. It /looks/ like reality but … ?!?!!?!? #
  • Feeling disappointed at CVS. Went at lunch to get contact sol’n, looked for Cadbury’s (full size) eggs & Smarties, found neither. :( #
  • But I did find jelly beans and caramel cremes (“Bullseyes,” apparently, a coworker informs me), so I made out all right anyway. #
  • Ooh, I forgot Maher v. Coulter was tonight. Hopefully the theatre won’t go up in apocalyptic flames until after my class gets out. #

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  • Currently contemplating how much money I would need to save up in order to take a gap year after I finish my degree. Wouldn’t that be nice? #
  • @sanityknit Gap year /anywhere/! Just not at work!!! #
  • @sanityknit You’d be leaving boys at home in charge of all your yarn. Sure you can take that risk? :-) #
  • In search of a new project, I cast on…for my third clapotis. Hey, it’s mindless, and looks great. #
  • p.s. @smokes70 Don’t worry, I haven’t abandoned your scarf…:-) #
  • @hubbit Hahaha. Drunktweet! #
  • <3 music discovered via being used as background in a Youtube video. #
  • @stephenfry Teehee! I just wish you could make out the nose’s features in the wee twitpic! #
  • Can’t decide if I want to go out to the Windy City spinning group meeting tonight or no. Want to spin…but want, also, to slack. #
  • Just finally reset my wristwatch for DST. Expect life to get a little less surprising now (…for a few months, at least). #
  • Figs Doom Nations! God Shoulda Put A Ring On It! #
  • My ‘hood scored 100 points out of 100 at Obvy, I’ve been spending most of my life living in a walker’s paradise. #
  • Ahahaha. #

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happy Red Nose Day

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Red Nose Day kitty icon

as i do not live in .uk, am not a regular participant in Red Nose Day… though, due to being pretty entertained by @THEDavidTennant, did fling a couple pounds their way this morning. and then i ponied up again for a shiny icon! charity is fun! see, Sunday Mail, surely if dozens of people around the Interwebs have found a sense of humor you can too!

also — sort of on topic — EX-CA-VATE!

  • It never quite gets a little less weird when the balcony work crew’s platform suddenly passes my windows without warning. Morning, guys! #
  • Just saw Amazon stocks “Baconnaise Lite.” I question the wisdom of ingesting such a product. #
  • Ha! It’s National Procrastination Week. This week, I shall put off … I don’t know. What should I put off? #
  • @mizmoose Well, realizing that I start out from a default position of ‘mayo is gross,’ that is just ruining perfectly good bacon flavoring. #
  • Re: Tie Warehouse’s Multi-Colored Check Bow Tie: People. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. #
  • @hubbit I think he actually would have felt that that particular tie was a tie too far. He had class as well as whimsy. #
  • @smokes70 Yes! And then tomorrow we shall gossip about it muchly. :) #

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