• It never quite gets a little less weird when the balcony work crew’s platform suddenly passes my windows without warning. Morning, guys! #
  • Just saw Amazon stocks “Baconnaise Lite.” I question the wisdom of ingesting such a product. #
  • Ha! It’s National Procrastination Week. http://tinyurl.com/aw4dtq This week, I shall put off … I don’t know. What should I put off? #
  • @mizmoose Well, realizing that I start out from a default position of ‘mayo is gross,’ that is just ruining perfectly good bacon flavoring. #
  • Re: Tie Warehouse’s Multi-Colored Check Bow Tie: People. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. #
  • @hubbit I think he actually would have felt that that particular tie was a tie too far. He had class as well as whimsy. #
  • @smokes70 Yes! And then tomorrow we shall gossip about it muchly. :) #

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