the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

I think I’m not going to buy anything in April.

I’m going to try and go a whole month without buying anything*. No breakfast muffin on the way to work, and no books. No groceries either. Well, maybe an exemption there for the produce section; you can’t take my bananas away from me. But mostly no groceries. No yarn and no cleaning supplies and no yummy hand lotion from The Body Shop and no clothes. No coffee on my way to class. No iTunes (oh, ouch).

I’m not having a panic-oh-my-god-i-have-to-save-money event. I’m just curious to see if I can do it. What’s the worst that can happen here: I clean out my freezer and use up a bunch of crap I already have?

* – Well, anything except Tiger’s diabetes supplies and cat food and stuff. Insulin’s 28-day usable lifespan waits for no one’s attempt at social engineering herself for entertainment.

  • @sanityknit Whee! KnS, huh? You’re all big timey! Will you still speak to those of us who have to stop & think about decreases?! #
  • Aiee. Hands are killing me. Next time I get a bright idea for a “quick” weekend project, someone please stop me! #
  • @smokes70 That’s one of my favorite bits! I make all kinds of friends on the train. Temporary, but friends. #
  • @tutumagu Oh, no, I totally have — I swear /way/ more these days. (And more creatively!) #
  • @YarnHarlot Argh. That article infuriates me at least one more way than it does you… I’m sorry we treat you guys so badly. #
  • New /etc/system post: I know it’s in there. #
  • Oh, CNBC, why are your people’s wardrobes such a consistent, epic fail? Blue checked shirt + asshole collar with bright pink satin tie? NO #
  • Jesus, Dow up like 500 pts? We REALLY liked today’s lies. Bet we’ll hate tomorrow’s. Hey buddy, can you spare some stability? #

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  • Lazy Sunday — working on a knit project that, if it turns out well enough, will be a surprise for someone. If not… weeelll… we’ll see. #

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  • Bloc Party next Sat at Aragon. <3 Anyone else in? Intimacy fucking rocks, if you haven’t heard it. #
  • @richardroeper Ah, but don’t you know, any reason is an excuse to harp on the same old same old. Getting over it is so ’90s! #
  • Mmmm….slushie: just discovered the bottle of pinot grigio I stuck in the freezer “for a few minutes” last night, and forgot. Whoops. #
  • So glad I got my FM antenna back! XRT seems to suck much less than it did. #
  • @sanityknit Have fun — don’t strangle anyone who has coffee while you still can’t! :) #
  • Have bio test today. Don’t want to go to class. Want to stay home and knit socks. Waaaaaaah. #
  • Off to big bio test! Wish me luck! #
  • Bio: sucked. Prof and student got into argument. “I’m speaking English!” “No you’re not!” (Prof has accent.) Went downhill rapidly. #
  • Note to self: Never ever ever take a five hour class, or a Saturday class, and especially not BOTH at the same time, ever again. Ugh. #
  • @sanityknit Yum! <3 TJs. CHEEEEEEEESE. And the frozen yummies! And the cheap-as-chips marinara. And the cheese. CHEESE! #

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  • Email ad for Spin-Off Mag touts spinning as a way to save money. Don’t think I buy that story, and I’ve already got all the equipment! #
  • @EricZorn Not long, but then again, I spin (yarn (actual yarn, not stories)). #
  • Just discovered Norwegian purl via knittyblog. LOVE LOVE LOVE. So much awesome, and so easy to pick up! #
  • @hubbit Ping if you need any head-bangy assists… :) #
  • @Since1908 Which is also to say 381 days until 102… =) #
  • I like black jellybeans. #
  • @mizmoose Yes, but it’s only because 5 is way more completely frigging AWESOME. #
  • Off to Hackney’s now for beers and fish ‘n chips. #
  • Drinky drinky! I can hardly believe it is so nearly spring that i can stand outdoors without a coat. #

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