the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

swiped from permetaform:
someone must’ve slipped the editor-in-chief a roofie, man. there’s no other possible explanation for this RPS.

The New Yorker:

July 7, 2004—I didn’t want it to happen. I didn’t see it coming. I’m a husband. I’m a father. I’m the President of the United States of America. I’m freedom’s go-to guy. But today, while I was watching one of my ads, that spot attacking him for being all flippity-floppity on Iraq, I realized, beyond a shadow of a doubt: Oh, my God, I’m in love with John Kerry.

meme baby meme

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hey z., you can be my sexy but brilliant scientist any time you like, baby.

If your life was a sci-fi TV show… by guybrush
Series Name:
Core sci-fi trope:
Your nerdy but brilliant scientist: bumblepudding
Your robot/half-alien/etc. trying to become human: iford
Your sexy but brilliant scientist: mr_cutiepants
Version of you from a parallel universe: aesc
Your brooding but brilliant scientist: osxpimp
Your hot-headed military/action type: thistle_chaser
Number of seasons before cancellation: 2
Your show is cancelled because: the creator’s grand plan is shit, and everyone can see it coming.
The chance of your show becoming a cult hit is:: 4%
Quiz created with MemeGen!


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Better than yesterday’s?

Fuck Jamar.

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* niqui blinks. tony was *shot*? with a pellet gun? jesus h. christ.
* niqui then moves right on to shaking fists and swearing at the man who swiped the money she was going to leave for her bartender.
* niqui kicks jamar. or whatever his name was. admittedly she wasn’t paying a lot of attention, but that does not excuse the theft of money which was intended for bar staff.
you did not deprive my bar staff of tips, but not because he didn’t try to refuse them. you are a bad person. bad jamar. bad! bad! i don’t care if you wanted the cubs to win, this does not excuse attempting to steal tips.
* wasy is confused
* niqui went to bar. (yes, yes, fuck atkins.) /me reviewed lots of miradocuments. /me had a couple beers. /me usually pays cash at kasey’s, leaving money on the bar for the bartender to take from as he will.
* wasy follows so far
* niqui left bar temporarily to take a call from pirate dan — back in town, yaaaay pirate dan! we missed pirate dan! — and when she returned pile of cash — which was around $20, as it was change from $40 and four newcastles — was gone. niqui looked confused, then asked ben if he’d taken the pile of change, but ben said no and apologized repeatedly for not watching the guy.
niqui tipped ben anyways, because niqui likes ben, and ben tried repeatedly to refuse but niqui said that it wasn’t his fault that the guy swiped the cash, then niqui had to go, because niqui was giving away a coffee table to a gsb grad student.
* niqui kicks bad tip-swiping jamar.
* niqui kicks bad men who try to steal tips from hard working, fun, and friendly barstaff.
fuck jamar
fuck jamar!

super swanky

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super swanky

or super bizarre: new countdown don’t walk signs downtown. just noticed them now — they must have just installed them this weekend. and no, nice man, i don’t need any more jesus than i’ve already got. thanks for asking.