the trouble with thinking about auto restoration (specifically, restoration of The Car) is, you see, that it makes me want more cars, every time i stumble across another example of a fine restored machine.

for the longest, longest time i wanted a 1964 mustang convertible in candy apple red. now, this one happens to be a ’66, but … whimper! niqui want pretty baby!

i love my passat, i do, i really really do, but … look at that pretty red mustang!


plus, it’s not even all that expensive. $14k! man, i totally should have investigated buying a vintage car before i bought my passat. i just thought that they would be more expensive, y’know? and, yeah, sure, they certainly require more care and upkeep… but… pretty! and with the vroom! much with the vroom!

of course, that stock 8-track would have to go… i’m not that much of a purist.