this is the only time you’ll have me cheering for you so don’t get used to it. also: WAY TO GO, PAULIE. that’s my guys, gettin’ the job done, boys. playing white sox baseball even if it is the all-star game. take note, suckers.
this is the only time you’ll have me cheering for you so don’t get used to it. also: WAY TO GO, PAULIE. that’s my guys, gettin’ the job done, boys. playing white sox baseball even if it is the all-star game. take note, suckers.
courtesy of �writchrd: i may give them grief, but i still love my guys.
dear white sox, attn: mark buehrle: you may be an all-star, but you’re also a schmuck. (i still love you … but i had to sit through sunday’s game and you’re still a schmuck.) — attn: brandon mccarthy: brandon, honey, quit making me sad like a little puppy dog who just got kicked by someone […]
calling in sick today, due to sleeplessness and general purpose nausea, does have the bright side of i get to watch the ballgame as it’s happening, rather than watch the gameday app and listen to the radio. (nothing against gameday; as i’ve said repeatedly to anyone who cares to listen, i really love it and […]