the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in health

second round of oral surgery was today. the operation was a success; the two impacted bottom teeth were much easier to remove than the freaky mutant shark tooth, and i’m now wisdom tooth-free. unfortunately, i’m in a lot of pain, which was not helped by the fact that they wrote the magic authorization-for-dispensing-narcotics id number […]


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Was not feeling entirely sanguine about the site of the recently deceased freaky mutant shark tooth, so went back in for a checkup. Arrived at 1340. Got called back at 1640. Pronounced healthy and on a #9 bus at 1652. So glad I had nothing to do at work today–I really think they should have […]

i am on so many drugs i didn’t even notice that i forgot to take one of them all day yesterday. (it was an anti-inflammatory; if it had been a painkiller i certainly wouldn’t have forgotten it). am lucky i didn’t try to take my cat’s antibiotics by mistake. his are apparently beef-flavored.

thank goodness: i bought nice friendly to poor toothless niqui foods — such as soup and yogurt and applesauce — earlier this week; i decided on a whim earlier today, before the appointment of doom, to stop in to the friendly local store of das overfuehrer, because, as pxr5 says, “he’s clearly evil, but he […]

Homeward bound

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Only two teeth pulled. Easiest (not bad at all) and hardest (fucking terrifying and painful despite loads of novocaine). Lots of pain. Also, look like a very angry chipmunk. Deeply, deeply unhappy at the moment.