the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • @BlogPeoria Can’t resolve ns1/, ergo can’t get anything else. #
  • Having forgotten my packed lunch will make not buying anything today a challenge. A *hungry* challenge. #
  • Dow crosses back into 8000s! We really really love today’s lies! These are the best lies in MONTHS! #
  • @redeyechicago I’m TiVoing the retrospective, but CSI trumps ER tonight… fortunately they’re rerunning it Saturday for me to watch. #
  • Must catch up on later – their $30/wk food budget is not unlike my $20/wk experimental one! #
  • @smokes70 I wasn’t going to buy anything including any food, but then I realized a month without fresh produce would SUCK. #
  • Back from dentist with freshly fixed teeth. My dentist is awesome. That “just went to the dentist” mouth flavor…not so much. #
  • So, having been offline for hours: Is Blago indicted yet, and who the hell is this Cutler guy everybody is so excited about? #
  • @hubbit Hah. Nicely timed. #
  • @hubbit As it should be! #

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  • I think I just signed up with a running group, despite not actually being, you know, … a runner. Ack. #

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so today was the first day of Buy Nothing Month. and it was deeply annoying.

i go all the time without buying anything. entire days! but today temptation was everywhere and it was frustrating.

two days a week, i work an earlier shift at work — 7AM til 3PM. it is my custom to stop by the ex-White Hen (now 7-11) and get a coffee, plus optionally a banana (love) and maybe a muffin for breakfast, on my way in on early days. today? no white hen. no coffee. i sulked all the way in to work (where i got a coffee, but it wasn’t the same). then lunch, which i had brought, and which was kinda boring. then i went to depaul to meet with an advisor about transferring and so forth, then off to class. no coffee from the Dunkin Donuts on the way to class, either. then i was starving on my way home — i mean, really hungry and i had to walk past like 7 restaurants, two of which have DELICIOUS SUSHI — and i didn’t stop to buy anything. it was deeply frustrating.

this might be a little tougher than i originally anticipated.

  • @ColonelTribune Doesn’t matter if we agree or no — sadly, we’re not drawing checks signed by Reinsdorf. :) #
  • @WBEZ Maybe not explicitly unethical. But classy it is not. It just seems like schadenfreude because they can. #
  • Are you fucking kidding me, Wikipedia? A remake of “The Prisoner”??? Seriously, what? #
  • @hubbit Oh yeah? What did you wind up going with? #
  • @hubbit small engines FTW. I lurve my 4 cyl. And its mileage. #
  • @hubbit My 4 cyl has 185 ponies. It gets me what I need. :) #
  • There is an official USA blog. And it is deeply, deeply lame. Who’d’ve thunk? #
  • @hubbit also hurtses the brain…FYI #
  • @carriekirby Try Michelle at Body & Soul on Van Buren. Small boutique and not fancy but fantastic hair! #

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So a week ago I posted that I was thinking about buying nothing in April. And so I am. Buying nothing, that is.

Starting tomorrow, April Fools Day (a good day to start out a goofball exercise just to see if you can), I will avoid purchasing anything, with a few exceptions: kitty litter and insulin purchases are non-negotiable (some things it’s not worth finding out the hard way that you can’t live without them), beers and polish sausages with onions (OF COURSE) at the ballpark opening week (HELLS YEAH IT IS ALMOST THE BEST DAY OF THE YEAR!!). I’ve also added a $20/week budget for groceries, because I thought about it and while I probably do have enough food in my kitchen to live on for a month, that doesn’t mean I actually want to go without fresh produce that long.

I am totally excited to start buying nothing. How lame is that — it’s not like I’m even going to actually do anything. I’m going to not do things, and I probably won’t even really notice except when I’m telling myself no. Still, I’m really eager to find out how enforced stufflessness works out for me. And to clean out my freezer….