so today was the first day of Buy Nothing Month. and it was deeply annoying.

i go all the time without buying anything. entire days! but today temptation was everywhere and it was frustrating.

two days a week, i work an earlier shift at work — 7AM til 3PM. it is my custom to stop by the ex-White Hen (now 7-11) and get a coffee, plus optionally a banana (love) and maybe a muffin for breakfast, on my way in on early days. today? no white hen. no coffee. i sulked all the way in to work (where i got a coffee, but it wasn’t the same). then lunch, which i had brought, and which was kinda boring. then i went to depaul to meet with an advisor about transferring and so forth, then off to class. no coffee from the Dunkin Donuts on the way to class, either. then i was starving on my way home — i mean, really hungry and i had to walk past like 7 restaurants, two of which have DELICIOUS SUSHI — and i didn’t stop to buy anything. it was deeply frustrating.

this might be a little tougher than i originally anticipated.