the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

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So, a little shy of two years ago, I picked up a used Louet S15 spinning wheel. I had high hopes for it, thinking I could supplement my Babe wheel (LOVE) and broaden my skills a little bit. It has not worked out that way.

I’m not exactly sure what the deal is with it, but it makes me crazy to try and use it. The take-up is so strong that at some times it yanks the wool right out of my hand, even with nice steady treadling (and I admit it’s nicer to treadle than my Babe wheel; it doesn’t really have dead spots at 12 and 6 o’clock). I’ve tried all the brake settings I could, all the way to just popping the brake off entirely. In the end I can conclude only one thing: this wheel hates me!

So I think I’ve given up on it. I’ve emailed the nice folks from Louet asking for advice, so we’ll see what they have to say. But in the mean time, I’ve also emailed someone who posted to looking for Louets… maybe, if she’s specifically looking for Luets, she knows how to make it go, and could give it a less hair-tearing-out home. At least I’d get some closet space back!

  • I am at an utter loss to explain why I woke up with John Cougar Mellencamp’s “Hurts So Good” stuck in my head. #

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  • Dear The World: I’m sure she’s a nice person and all, but I really couldn’t care less that Oprah’s on twitter. Quit squeeing. –s. #
  • Also, waaay to go Hawks! Showing Calgary who’s the boss of them! #
  • Ran! Didn’t die! Accordingly impressed with self. #

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  • It is spectacularly beautiful outside. A good day to humiliate myself by running around outdoors! #
  • via @sanityknit OMG *dies* – MSNBC goes nuts for teabagging #
  • Now officially registered for 1st depaul class & w/fin aid appt, both next week. Moving freaky fast! Hopefully this will be a trend. #

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I cracked, yesterday. I had a pretty shit day and was not looking forward to my math class — I actually am kinda digging math class itself, but I hate the incessant whining from the whiners in my class with a blinding sort of epic, passionate hate — and I really just wanted a cup of coffee and after standing in no fewer than three queues over the course of an hour to drop my biology class (At one point, I had to go wait in line at the cashier! When I wasn’t getting a refund or having to pay any money! I had to wait so that they could rip a leaf off the three-piece form and hand me back the rest and say “You’re all set”! Oh City Colleges of Chicago, I do so hope you are not teaching any classes on business efficiencies.), I was feeling pretty crap and I really really just wanted the damn coffee and was feeling sad and pathetic about not being able to have it, when I thought, “hey, wait a second, the point of this exercise actually has nothing to do with making myself miserable” … and went and got the damn cup of coffee. $1.88 has never tasted so sweet, and not just because of the half-cup of sugar Dunkin’ Donuts put in. That said, though, I’m not giving up on the rest of the month. So we’ll see how that goes.

And in unrelated news, a DePaul student is niqui! — I’m officially registered for my first SNL class, which is a mandatory mini-course, sort of an orientation for the program. It only meets twice, and the first meeting is next Tuesday — for four hours. Then two weeks later, we meet again, after which point I get to go register for summer session, and pay up like $3500, plus books. Fortunately, next Wednesday, I have an appointment with the nice people at Financial Aid so they can tell me what the hell I’m supposed to be doing, beyond filing the FAFSA, because I haven’t honestly got a clue. Have to go get my transcripts, again (kind of now wish I hadn’t bothered going through all that rigmarole for HWC, for just one lousy semester. Ah well. At least I got math out of the way).

The weirdest bit of all this is, though … DePaul?? Really? A private school… a private Catholic school?? This is not my beautiful house. This is not my beautiful wife! — I dunno… maybe I’m just too much of a prole at heart to be able to conceive of a situation wherein I would have enough privilege to afford a private school. And I’m certainly way too agnostic to have ever figured on choosing to attend a religious whatsis of any flavor. It’s a bit weird. I do not “feel” DePaul the way I used to (still do, a bit) “feel” UIC. That said … I’m wayyyy not able to deal with my fine colleagues at Harold Washington, so maybe it’s all a matter of degree. Or maybe I just need to lighten up — your choice.