the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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today is one of those days where i need a ‘chair yoga’ desk calendar.

Astronaut & Robot

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so, i think i’ve found a piece of art i want for my house. it’s not the same sort of deep-seated wanting that i have for Daedulus, but i like it an awful lot.

Astronaut & Robot by Scott Listfield of

Astronaut & Robot

i wrote off to the artist and found out that the availability of the prints on should be in, say, the next two months or so. and he will email me to let me know. yay!

mmm, storage.

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blair, curse him, points out a new and worthwhile way i am tempted to spend money:


this bookcase would fit perfectly in the blank spot between my stereo shelf and my desk, and i was just shopping yesterday (and being dissatisfied with the selection) for a shelf to put my reference materials on, over by my desk.

if only it wasn’t, like, $300 with shipping and taxes. :(

from candyaddicted, a gallery that ought to have been called “When CosPlay Attacks”:

A slightly disturbing anime fan

i especially like the woman behind the cosplayer, on her immediate left, with the completely “WTF?” expression. that sums it up well, i think.

i’m not so certain that this requires commentary.

Child Pimp Costume

Our child long pimp daddy suit costume comes with panne jacket & matching pants. Pimp hat is sold seperately.

you couldn’t fucking spell “separately” right? well, fuck you, then.