the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

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um. wtf?

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Cleveland Indians pitcher Kyle Denney shot in calf while riding on team bus.

The rest of the team was unharmed in the incident, which happened as the team rode to Kansas City International Airport late Wednesday night after a game with the Kansas City Royals.

Swain said the shot was fired into the side of one of the Indians’ two buses while it was on a ramp between Interstate 435 and I-70, grazing outfielder Ryan Ludwick.

“It went through his pants and then hit Denney,” [team spokesman Bart] Swain said. “At first, there was a little bit of panic. Once we realized Kyle was OK, fears were subsided.”

Police spokesman Darin Snapp said there were no suspects and it wasn’t known if the team’s bus was the intended target. Telephone messages left for the Royals were not immediately returned.

i don’t know whether i hope you’re just a bush-league asshole who was shooting shit on the expressway regardless of what it was, or if you’re actually a pissed off royals fan, but you’re still a shithead. and the royals are still going to finish in the basement regardless of how many opposing players you shoot.


also, fuck minnesota, just for good measure. *sulk*


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grammar nazi gets more ammo

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d00d. i totally just signed up for introductory latin at the graham school.

!!! am so excited. i always wanted to take latin. michael and david are doing it, and the class starts tonight, and i said “oh, i’m so jealous!” … and david was like, “well, why don’t you sign up?” so i did.

rock! this rocks hard on toast!

oh, wait:

* tang decides to mring Wheelock anyway, just in case tang missed something
* wasy wonder if /me still has wheelock
is there a bookstore at gleacher?
not sure
* wasy doesn’t think so
or should i just wander through the — OMFG, i just signed myself up for the hell of buying textbooks during first week! what the hell was niqui thinking!

tra la la

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candy is to blame for this link. she comments, “How about we stop sending economic aid to Germany and just start sending clothing consultants and hair dressers.”

and i don’t know which is worse: the video or the lyrics.

i think this is the sort of song that only sounds okay if english is not your native language. and the sort of video that you can only get through without breaking out into laughter if you’re a thirteen year-old boy. me, i was nearly in tears at the … erm … climax. bwahahahaha!

um. ew.

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if this is true, by god it explains why no one will pick me up in bars just fine!

fluffy mackerel pudding.  um, ew?
You are Fluffy Mackerel Pudding!! You somehow
manage to combine seafood and dessert into your
wonderfully fluffy world. We should all be as
tolerant of New Taste Sensations. And of
big-yolked eggs.

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