the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

busy, busy, busy

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too, too, too much to do at work.

too much stress at work, also. i’m just so worn down by it all.

wish michael wasn’t moving this weekend (i’d happily help him move, and totally don’t mind doing it, but i really would like to sleep in tomorrow — alas.). if i get stuck doing the sunday maintenance as well, this weekend is going to fucking suck.

wish i could leave work early today, because i really want to go to this pen shop downtown that closes at five.

wish i didn’t have to go to the secretary of state’s office for new tags.

i wish i wasn’t so emotionally exhausted.

my horoscope for today:

Be ready to perform both on and off the job — literally speaking. Someone will be drawn to your discipline and sense of responsibility, but they’ll stay for the show. Oh, go ahead. You know you want to.

the only fucking show anyone’s going to get out of me today is if they want to go back to my place after work and watch a dvd.


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tomorrow (today) is going to suck. woe.

not the right way

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from bingo, who says:

Internet postcards, no matter how hip and trendy, are not the way to tell folks you gave them the clap.

hotdish or casserole?

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if you’re not on livejournal, you won’t be able to vote in this poll, but you can still comment anonymously!

Hotdish or Casserole?

“What do you call a baked dish which has veggies, meat, maybe noodles or tater tots, Campbell’s canned cream-of soup (e.g., chicken, mushroom, or celery), and might be topped with cheese, crushed potato chips, or French’s fried onions — and where are you from?”


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i find this site slightly more perplexing than the “trade a vote for sex” people — helpful pictoral instructions on how to contact one’s congresscritter notwithstanding.