the everyday adventures of sabrina

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pimping chi-sage!

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Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 10:51:41 -0600 (CST)
From: sabrina downard br /> To: (the usual suspects)
Subject: pimping chi-sage!
X-Code-Word: Fabulous
X-Warning-Sign: How did you fix my comp--wait--why do you have a shotgun?

you want to join chi-sage. yes, yes you do. also, you want to tell all your sysadminly friends. because what's cooler than being a sysadmin? when everyone around you gets your "you have backups, right?" jokes!


chigrp was the last chicago-area SAGE local group, which dissolved around late ’96 or so, after the person who shepherded it went away. so here’s an attempt to revive it. yay, chicago; yay, sage! yay, hope this works!


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few things hold the power to freak me out so much as hearing a roar and looking out of my 36th-floor hotel room window to see a huge delta jet flying fucking low to the ground — and i’m serious, it was basically at eye-level from my perspective — a few blocks away.

it just went past again, somewhat higher this time — i suppose it must be circling and waiting for landing clearance or something — but i didn’t know we were that close to the airport and haven’t seen any planes that up close and personal this whole week and jesus fucking christ that was frightening.

still in atlanta

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so, lisa is all over. it was a pretty good one, this year. i hear that that the expanded tutorials program did a good job of helping recoup some funding that’s been lost since attendance has been down after the dot coms bombed. i was sort of bummed about my two-day ‘hacking and securing web applications’ tutorial overlapping the technical programs so i couldn’t go see some talks i wanted to go to, but it’s hard to bitch too much because, frankly, that tutorial rocked my socks. web applications security isn’t my area of specialization, i mostly just took the tutorial to get some more exposure to webby stuff since i feel kinda behind (hello, i was running wwwboard on the soapmaking site until like two years ago, when i finally got sick enough of deleting the spam to take it down), and because i thought it would be neat. and the tutorial was awesome. the instructor, a gentleman named david rhoades from maven security (a consulting company), was obviously very comfortable with the material and the work, and it was all very interesting. and his tutorial materials — seriously, i’ve been to a number of lisa tutorials since ’98, and i have seen very few tutorials as well put-together as this one. first of all, the book was not just printouts of the powerpoint slides — it had a ton of additional text with explanations, anecdotes, how to do things, and stuff like that. second of all, since it was a hands-on tutorial, he’d worked with the guy who forked the auditor security collection/knoppix distro (kinda like STD), and up with a customized distro cd for the class. it was extremely slick. i asked him for a couple of CDs to take back to folks in the office, actually.

anyways, i have about ten million uris to stuff into diu out of my tutorial notes, but i haven’t gotten around to it yet. soon. soon.

weird things can happen

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when fandoms collide.

yay jonny in GoF!

a Telegraph writer catches a magic bus:

There is a rumbling in the distance. Not the kind of chugging you associate with a No 9 sailing down a regular road but a quietly auspicious throbbing, and then there’s the sight of a moving tower in the distance, lights all blazing yellow through its mostly drawn curtains. As it gets closer, the Knight Bus is just quite astonishingly, well, big…