the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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the swelling has come down a lot. i have knuckles again! no more marshmallow hand!!

this calls for a celebration.

in honor of michael

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You can tie 'em up outside, like the others


You probably don't even know what France *is*.

getting better

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so, i’m getting a little bit better with the speech recognition software. i’m going to try and dictate this entire post using it. The text capabilities are certainly within reason, and it’s getting better with unix commands.

It’s a little wonky at times though; for example, it’s got this persistent dialog box that tells you what status it’s in. I can dismiss this dialogue box, but as soon as i tell it to correct some text and i go to that dialog box, it comes back. This is really annoying. It lives on top of all of my windows, so it obscures my terminal sessions in part. And, frankly, once i dismiss it, i’d like it to stay dismissed.

but it does learn pretty quickly. And i can tell it things like ps, or etc, and now it understands them. and i can set my own phonetics for things that it doesn’t understand, which is very helpful – as i’m sure is obvious.

it’s still a little bit iffy in vi, but mostly it works pretty well. I’m actually very pleased with it thus far.

favorite vegetables

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1. edamame.
2. broccoli.
3. bicolor sweet corn.

iListen, out of the gate

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from irc:

* niqui trains her voice recognition software. she getsw to read it stories.
dirty stories?
not. propoganda stories about how apple is making technology FUN! again, apparently
well, that was just the first one. maybe the next one will be dirty
High when you talked in the terminal window
this class of that fell flat Bob Mr. acts that Bob a at flood fact that them that I
caught up the the the they’ll flow of thoughtful of a
they really doesn’t like it when you left into a microphone
or black event
Bill has left the fallout of the fat by a been that fact that that that the but not happen at a
A really does a when you Atlanta into the microphone
It’s really not all that act. Yet to
accurate yet

i’ll note, in the software’s defense, that lines 2 (“this class of”), 3, and 6 are just me laughing into the mic.