so i had a good time looking at the titles of the other “work” entries i’ve posted here. then i wrote a little bitty shell loop to list them all out with dates and turn them into links, so you could all enjoy my clever little titles again as well.
…and then i realized no one other than me actually cares, and hit ‘dG.’ of course what i started out after was the filename of the much-ballyhooed one year rule declaration. you remember the one-year rule declaration — it was a year ago!posted on 25 Aug 2004 at 10:50 CDT
so, where do i stand? people keep asking me this. that is, friends and neighbors, the downside of taking a public stance on something. people keep expecting you to, like, know what the hell you’re doing. i find that upsetting. c’mon, you guys know that you’re allowed to make grand declarations to the world on your blog without ever being held accountable for them, right?
…but seriously, folks. try the veal. soo. any of y’all in chicago need a unix admin? i’ve been doing this for about nine years, i know a bunch of trivial details and goofy shit about various sorts of unix, i can wrangle a bunch of different common internet services, i like microsoft excel and i won’t apologize for it, and i’m halfway decent with perl to boot. and although i do not come with a money-back guarantee, i can probably be convinced to make cupcakes at some point. sprinkles optional.decided to finally implement an image-hotlinking redirect today, for blog-posted images. it’s not that i don’t want people to enjoy the images that i post, it’s just that i want them to use their own bandwidth to do it. (the psycho ex-girlfriend sex doll image is apparently very popular with various bulletin boards, thanks, no doubt, to google image search. although the cats also have a significant following as well.)
those of you reading this via  niquiblog, especially via paid-account uri-ified friends pages (i.e., — it *should* still show you the images i post, assuming i didn’t fuck up the regex. if you get a “please don’t hotlink :(” image instead, please comment and let me know. and yeah, you can mock me for fucking up the regex.i’m not asleep yet.
you know who’s online to keep you company at 1AM when you can’t sleep? EBAY AND AMAZON, that’s who. *returns to chewing nails in order to not buy things online* it’s not my fault i’m not asleep. i tried. i annoyed both cats greatly by shifting position repeatedly. i even got up and had a warm caffeine-free beverage while listening to soothing string-quartet music. i totally disclaim responsibility for this one. there are sleep-thefting gremlins involved somehow, i am sure of it. stupid sleep-thefting gremlins and their theftingness. also? last time i did laundry i discovered the sock-thefting gremlins stole one of a pair of my favorite socks, too. STUPID THEFTING GREMLINS.beroot beroot beroot!