the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

some things that are bugging me:

  • people who write emails to tech support addresses without actually bothering to ask a question, apparently expecting us to psychically intuit what the hell they want. sub genre: people who forward messages to the junkmail administration address, and expect us to figure out if they’re asking “why did i get this,” “how can i not get these anymore,” “what is this,” and so forth. sweetheart, we’re computer nerds, not omniscient, benevolent deities of spam protection.
  • drivers who turn really roundy-round left turns, slicing off the top of lanes they cross over, without caring for the cars they’re damn near hitting. square turns are your friends, people. they’re not that hard. and not hitting my car when i sit in the lane opposite where you’re heading into is my friend.
  • comment spam which annoys me to the extent that i am actually considering changing my blog software despite the fact that (a) i like blosxom (mainly because it’s absolutely trivial, trivial, trivial) and (b) redoing my css and layouts and such will be a pain in my ass. i’ve only been on blosxom since august of ’04! i should have been able to use it longer! if only it wasn’t, in effect, abandonware.
  • my laptop is effectively out of hard disk space. dammit. and ccs want something absolutely ridiculous to upgrade the disk — first, they want over $350 for the disk upgrade, plus $85 for the installation (hello? i can buy a 100G laptop disk for like $120? and i own torx drivers? the only reason i’d be using CCS at all is to be nicey-nice intradepartmentally, and i’m sorry, those are ridiculous prices), but as the real pièce de résistance they expect me to give up my laptop for five business days. uh-huh. yeah, no.
  • i bought a book of stamps last week. (by “book” i mean, of course, the flat sheet that they tuck into an 8.5×11″ cellulose envelope so it’s not like you can tuck it into your wallet or anything useful like that.) i appear to have lost it. i have no idea where it went, and you’d really think it’d be harder to lose considering how big it is. and i need freaking stamps!

some things that make me happy:

  • conversing with random strangers about how awesome the coffee setup at the bp at wabash and roosevelt is. it’s good coffee — and, for a gas station on the way to work? it’s great coffee.
  • planning to make dinner for some folks on thursday night. so that’s fun. i never get to cook for other people, with my wee-bitty apartment that’s so unsuited for having people over for anything more than sitting around chatting.
  • managed to get some work done around the house this weekend — rearranging bookshelves a bit, moving some stuff around to make more room, then switching out summery shoes on the shoe rack for wintery shoes. which meant i remembered i had the shoes i’m wearing today, which are all of klunky, comfy, and with great squishy soles that add at least another inch to my height without requiring high heels. yay for fall cleaning.
  • weekend evening out in the boonies with friends, lighting things on fire. FIRE!

we live for this

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ladies and gentlemen, i give you my guys, my


niqui should be promoted to associate director in charge of the administration of sound beatings.

spam this morning:

To: abuse@$
From: Administrator <>
Subject: Security Concern

We’ve gotten many emails from many universities and buisness websites about unwanted traffic and bandwith usage going on from the servers. We would like to take this time right now and issue out a program coded by the technicians here at that will help prevent this from happening in the future. It is very important that this binary be executed by all recipiants of this email. We wish you all good luck and hope this fixes all the problems.

yeah. i’ll get right on that.

who falls for this shit?? honestly, i ask you!

oh jesus

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how could anyone expect me to sleep at the moment?