the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

cinderella is totally goth!

american hysteria

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i love mashups. when they aren’t outright good music, they generally amuse me.

dean gray presents american edit: american idiot vs. everyone. including john f. kennedy. and daleks. you should download it now.

in a snit

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i miss baseball. there needs to be a winter baseball league. football can blow me.

happy wristmas to me!

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today is the anniversary of my wrist surgery. actually, to the date, tomorrow is the anniversary — but i felt that having surgery the day before thanksgiving was more significant than having it on 24 november, so i shall celebrate wristmas every year at thanksgiving. really, it’s one of those “the five days of wristmas” things, since i broke it effectively early sunday morning, then suffered monday and tuesday, then had surgery wednesday, then SUFFERED thursday. so today’s wristmas eve. maybe tomorrow i’ll celebrate by taking some of my leftover vicodin.

Creepy Frankenstein Scar, one year later

i have said a lot of things about the scar, not least pejorative of which was nicknaming it the “Creepy Frankenstein Scar,” but actually? i kinda like it. it’s distinctive, and i’m not ashamed of having this strange and very obvious scar on my wrist. i worked very hard at getting beyond the trouble its source caused me. so i kind of like my little Creepy Frankenstein Scar. love me, love my scar!

nevertheless, it is interesting to me to look back over the past year. it’s at least in part because, when i first broke my wrist and the people in the ER in atlanta told me that i was going to require orthopaedic surgery to repair the rather impressive damage i’d done (and to think i didn’t realize i had actually done anything really bad to myself for at least twenty or thirty minutes! hooray for endorphins!), they estimated i was looking at “at least” a year until i was really going to be normally functional again. of course, i chose to travel back to chicago and have the surgery taken care of here — and, in retrospect, i’m immensely grateful for that decision because i cannot imagine having gone through the days immediately after surgery without the support of my friends or in some cold hotel room in a strange city — and i believe that, based on my recovery from the injury, i received outstanding medical care and that’s part of the reason i am blessed, for lack of a more secular word, with damn near normal functioning today. my undying thanks are due to the people who helped take care of me — sean and stephanie (who helped me and all my ‘i’ve just got done with a week of travel’ luggage out of the cab from o’hare, made me dinner and made sure i had everything i needed, walked with me to fetch prescriptions, and generally went far beyond the call of duty), dan who ferried my stoned ass home from the hospital that day after my surgery, michael for bringing by his much-needed moral support, and everyone who dropped by to visit me when i was trapped in my 600-square foot home for ages on end, tactfully saying nothing about my completely stoned self, all of them. of course the medical staff who put Humpty Wristy back together again, especially Dr. Mass who was kind and answered nearly all my questions; the florist who delivered and, when she realized i couldn’t actually handle the door and the bouquet, carried it inside; the peapod delivery guy who helped me get everything into my kitchen and didn’t even look impatient when it took me a minute to sign the receipt; the walgreen’s pharmacist who filled my painkillers without making me wait 30 minutes because i was nearly in tears when i showed up to fill the prescription.

but! let’s not get too thoughtful and pensive. let’s look back at some of my greatest hits from that time.

things are going relatively well, wrist-wise, these days. i still have chronic minor pain, and i guess at this point i’m resigned to having it pretty much forever. but i’ve got a full range of motion back, and i can do things like pushups or downward dog without a whole lot of grief (though i do usually pay a price for them later, it’s not significant enough to make me stop).

so, i suppose really, it’s worked out pretty well for me. i was terribly worried at the outset that i was looking at a very real need to change lines of work — what good is a system administrator who can’t type? — and that seems to have been a groundless fear. my life is pretty normal, really. and that’s something to be thankful for.

of course i still don’t know if i’m going to set off the airport metal detectors.

if you’re reading this via RSS, you probably don’t care.

if, otoh, you actually visit my humble web site as god and man intended, you — unless you are blind and reading the site via a spoken-text browser (and if you are, i did try hard to make it accessible, at least from the point of view of someone who hasn’t ever used a speaking browser. at least i use ALT attributes!) — have just noticed it went from light colors to dark colors. i felt it was time for a change, and i was really bored with the old look. if, however, you prefer it, i have helpfully provided a link to it at the top of the new page header. (it’ll go away at some point in the future when i get tired of it. quake in your boots, muahaha!)

it’s not really done, i’m not entirely happy with it… but i was happier with it than i was with the old one, and i was deprived of a friday afternoon on which to break shit at work, so i am breaking shit on my personal website on the wednesday night before a holiday instead. i am sure that if you look hard you will find things that are obviously broken. actually, i am sure that if you glance passingly you will find things that are obviously broken. c’est ma vie.

no one will care, really, but apart from the colors, i got rid of some of the crap on the sidebar, added entirely new crap to the sidebar, changed the top header, and switched from a serif to a sans-serif font. (palatino to helvetica, if you must know.)

if you are color-blind, i’d welcome your input. i tried to make colors high-contrast but i feel fairly certain that i have as yet failed in that pursuit in at least a couple of places. so it’s probably completely illegible to 50% of the population, or something. nonetheless, i think it looks pretty cool and that’s what really matters, as this blog is about indulging my own narcissism. (am i engaging in egregious hyperbole, or being completely straightforward, with that remark? it’s up to you to figure that out for yourself, dear readers!)