if you’re reading this via RSS, you probably don’t care.

if, otoh, you actually visit my humble web site as god and man intended, you — unless you are blind and reading the site via a spoken-text browser (and if you are, i did try hard to make it accessible, at least from the point of view of someone who hasn’t ever used a speaking browser. at least i use ALT attributes!) — have just noticed it went from light colors to dark colors. i felt it was time for a change, and i was really bored with the old look. if, however, you prefer it, i have helpfully provided a link to it at the top of the new page header. (it’ll go away at some point in the future when i get tired of it. quake in your boots, muahaha!)

it’s not really done, i’m not entirely happy with it… but i was happier with it than i was with the old one, and i was deprived of a friday afternoon on which to break shit at work, so i am breaking shit on my personal website on the wednesday night before a holiday instead. i am sure that if you look hard you will find things that are obviously broken. actually, i am sure that if you glance passingly you will find things that are obviously broken. c’est ma vie.

no one will care, really, but apart from the colors, i got rid of some of the crap on the sidebar, added entirely new crap to the sidebar, changed the top header, and switched from a serif to a sans-serif font. (palatino to helvetica, if you must know.)

if you are color-blind, i’d welcome your input. i tried to make colors high-contrast but i feel fairly certain that i have as yet failed in that pursuit in at least a couple of places. so it’s probably completely illegible to 50% of the population, or something. nonetheless, i think it looks pretty cool and that’s what really matters, as this blog is about indulging my own narcissism. (am i engaging in egregious hyperbole, or being completely straightforward, with that remark? it’s up to you to figure that out for yourself, dear readers!)