the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

ow, ow, ow

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my head hurts. it probably would have been advisable to have had some form of food yesterday evening, in addition to all the booze. oh, i stole a couple of popcorn shrimp things off larry’s appetizer platter, but, you know, an actual sandwich would probably have been helpful.

yes, niqui sang. always in the company of her loyal friends so she didn’t have to embarass herself alone. “It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine),” the presidents of the USA’s “Peaches,” destiny’s child “Independant Woman,” (which it turns out is harder to sing if all you know is elbow’s cover of that) and “Don’t Stop Believing.” dan missed niqui singing the journey. i was very disappointed by that. also by the jackass in the crowd who yelled “White Sox suck!” hey, man, i didn’t shout insults when they started playing cubs songs to promote some opening day tickets they were giving away, even though technically speaking the white sox pretty much don’t suck and the cubs pretty much do.

my head hurts a lot this morning.

listening to the subwoofer neighbor play pachelbel’s canon in D.

i do like that song.

i also like the fresh sourdough bread i just finished baking. mmmmmm.

and there’s coffee too.

this morning just might be perfect.

viki at the pub

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viki at the pub


the end of an era

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hey michael: remember about five or six years ago when i said something about how i was curious if telegrams could still be sent, and you sent me a telegram in response?

The world’s first telegram was sent on May 24, 1844 by inventor Samuel Morse. The message, “What hath God wrought,” was transmitted from Washington to Baltimore.

no more telegrams for us!, as Western Union have terminated the service as of 27 january.

sad. :(


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there’s a plan afoot to go out for karaoke friday — a good friend’s last day working on campus, boo hiss. (yeah, yeah, i’m happy she’s found something that sucks less than her current job, but still, sad to lose a friend at work.)

so i’m thinking about songs i know well enough i could probably not butcher them too badly. i mean, i know pretty much all of michael jackson’s “beat it.” but no one wants to hear soprano-niqui belt that one out, and i can’t do the tee-hees justice, anyways, so that’s out.

trouble is, everything i know very well is either obscure or introspective or outright depressing and therefore unlikely to appear on a karaoke menu. i mean, i think the perkiest thing in my repertoire is, like, “ripple” by the grateful dead. which is not so much karaoke music. i could probably do a decent “hallelujah,” as i do it in the shower every so often and finally know all four verses correctly, but i’d have to do it a capella (not happening, no matter how many drinks are had) and who wants to sing depressing shit in a bar anyways?

so. suggest me some songs, people. stuff i can memorize in a day and a half, that would be on a karaoke menu, and would not be either sad or difficult (i’m thinking BNL, “one week” when i say that, or that one blues traveler song that was so popular in, like, 1995.). get to work!

(oh, and if you’re willing to do a duet of “The Internet Is For Porn,” totally let me know.)