the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

cleaning up

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let me just preface this by saying: i am not anal retentive. i am NOT!

spent some quality time going over my delicious tags, breaking some stuff out of my old “/” scheme (i.e., “computing/software” becomes “computing” and “software” — surprisingly, the tags themselves needed very little conversion to retain sensibility, with the exception that “computing/sox” had to become “computing sarbanes-oxley” because it would be sad if i went to look for baseball stuff and ended up with computer security legislation compliance stuff), fixing a couple of typoes, consolidating duplicates (‘All instances of tag “pedantry” have been replaced with “pedantic”‘), and so forth.

if i learned one thing from this exercise, it’s that i really, really overuse the “misc” tag. well, unless approximately one-third of everything on the intarwebs really is miscellaneous…

xmen 3

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X-Men 3 Teaser Posters

mmmm, hot people in leather. btw, r. and i called dibs on both wolverine and rogue. someone else can have dark phoenix (i bet she’s high maintenance).

(given the film’s directorial hijinks, it’ll probably totally suck, but that’s okay, i’m mostly on board to watch the hot people in leather perform improbable stunts, anyways.)


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ice skating at lunch is THE COOLEST MOST FUN THING EVER.

totally did not fall today. worked a little on going backwards. turned a bunch of big circles. practiced t-stops a little. had a blast with LiveJournal userinfo rose_kennedy. RAWK!

hey sluggo!

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i cannot respond to your emails because jinx is blocking both my work and gmail servers due to spamcop and sorbs, respectively!

short answer, fit for public broadcasting: i have been thus far unable to comply with your request due to apparently having the wrong location for the objective — either that, or naming the target after a god of chaos was a bad idea! however i remain hopeful for future resolution and am pursuing alternate channels which may yield increased levels of success, i.e. greater than zero! le singe est sur la branche! et le chat monte une bicyclette! operative N. out!

p.s. AIM me or something; there’s no pesky RBLs involved that way!

(p.p.s. holy shit have i had a lot of coffee; look at all those exclamation points! they were unintentional, at least at first!)

lucky puffs

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lucky puffs

I saw those in line at the bp the other day, and I was mesmerized by their freakishness. Naturally I bought them to add to the other oddities stuck to my office door.

occasionally, I poke the lucky puffs as I walk by, just to silently marvel that someone, somewhere actually eats this stuff. the lucky puffs simply regain their original shape and say nothing at all.