the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

tea fixes anything

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after five days of basically not eating anything that wasn’t honey (in a glass of herbal tea), chicken broth, or half a protein shake that i forced myself to drink on monday, i am suddenly STARVING. so, perhaps the end of the plague diet (“lose 5 pounds in 5 days, all you have to do is let me cough on you!”) portends the end of the plague?! we can only hope.

oh, i did totally cheat on the plague diet (“lots of clear liquids! no caffeine!”) today though. i couldn’t cope with yet another flavorless cup of boring herbal tea. i’m sorry, but i just could not choke another one down. i had actually started drinking cups of hot water with honey in it because it tasted better than the herbal stuff. i normally swear by hot mint tea with honey when i’m sick, but …five days, people! — there is seriously only so much damn mint tea a girl can take. so i made myself a pot of PROPER tea, lovely black tea. tea with caffeine. tea the way god meant tea to be. and it was DELICIOUS. and see? i had a pot of nice tea and now i’m feeling better. coincidence? i think not!

(of course it remains to be seen as to whether this tea-found confidence will buoy me up through the morning, but i have faith. AND I HAVE MORE TEA.)


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i swear, dextromethorphan makes me sneeze.

you see what happens when i miss day after day of work due to illness? shit blows up!

(existential question: if the dow tanks but nobody’s watching CNBC, does Larry Kudlow make a sound? discuss.)

i like this one, though: Swiftness of Dow Drop Due to Computers. apparently the systems that calculate the published value of the DJIA got all confused because trading volume was so high, and so they were publishing a too-high value. someone figured it out, they switched over to the backup systems, which promptly went “hey! ha ha, DJIA go *splat*”

so apparently also greenspan is spinning tales of recession later this year. aie. well, it’s a good time to be grateful i’ve paid off over ten grand of credit card debt and only have about six left to go, i suppose.

in other news: TIRED OF BEING SICK NOW. PLEASE FOR TO START WITH THE GETTING OF BETTER! … i actually called my doctor’s office today to see if they thought i had symptoms of not-the-flu (i.e., strep throat or pneumonia), but of course all i got was the triage nurse’s voice mail and an (unfulfilled) promise of a call back. at the moment i’m not entirely miserable, but of course at about this time yesterday i was anticipating being able to go to work today. so. i guess we’ll see. all i know is if i have to miss tomorrow’s car class, i will be toying with automatic failure for the rest of the semester (you can only miss three classes, or you fail). and it’s only february! sigh. oh, and also, this caused me to miss voting. booo. :( i’m sure daley’s going to win, but at least i could have cast my symbol vote for not-him. stupid moron. he thinks the CTA is in fine condition (?!?!!!) and is all yay-Circle Line, yay-Block 37 superstation with O’Hare Express, yay-Olympics. you know, i like the bike lanes and all, but i think a little less misplaced faith would be nice. oh well. soon we shall see the returns and find out that the city of sheep has reelected its prince again. grumble.

tuesday? it’s tuesday?

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oh, hey, boy, um, oh, wow do i still feel like shit.

this started saturday, so, going on four days. yippee.

this game sucks

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while i often feel “not well” in terms of fatigued, headachy, congested, etc., it’s rare that i actually come down with something full-blown and have to wallow in misery. apparently though this is my big chance and so here i am, chills and fever and hacking cough and headache and my whole body aches and so on and so forth ad nauseum.

it’s just a shame i don’t have a thermometer because i would like to have known how far my temperature got up yesterday, because i was not having a very good time for a while there.

i hope i didn’t either pick this up at work, or inadvertently give it to anyone at work (how long before symptoms set in is the flu contagious?), because this sucks, and i do not approve.

(it would also be nice if my furnace could pretend to keep the inside at a steady temperature, instead of letting it fall to 68° before kicking on, then running until it’s 74-75° and kicking off again. grrararrrarrrrgh. stupid thing.)

oh well. look on the bright side: now i get to cancel my dentist’s appointment for wednesday!