the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • @writchrd I know! I saw a Citgo in Pullman where it was like 1.96 for regular. I am officially freaked out by this. #
  • fun with rsync, merging multiple music repos together to create one iTunes Music Library to rule them all. Stupid slow home wifi. #
  • Just realized that all my home wireless gadgets /except/ the base station support g. Hm. #
  • Michael Lewis on recent events: #

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just did a little math. after accounting for utilities and associated housing costs, ${current living arrangement} costs me around $340/mo, or slightly more than $4k/yr, more than ${previous living arrangement}. but it saves me between 20-80 minutes commuting daily (plus my 20 minutes of walking usually don’t make me want to commit homicide nearly so much as the blue line), and i actually like this apartment and landlord and the whole not having to move my car on street cleaning day (or, coming soon, dig it out of any snowbanks) thing.

so while i am not saying that i wouldn’t mind having an extra four grand laying around, i think it has all worked out pretty favorably. also, the view from my balcony is fantastic.

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  • Figure skating, it turns out, SO MUCH HARDER than they make it look on teevee. #
  • @shadow Vixie looks like a Russian mobster. Is he going to shoot me for saying nasty things about his implementation of cron? #
  • @mizmoose But he looks really angry and scary in that pic! #
  • Why do people always think it’s reasonable to suggest sysadmins spend (insert holiday) working instead of holidaying? I want turkey too! #
  • @smokes70 #
  • @mizmoose Hmf. That is not acceptable. What are you doing Saturday? #

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  • Digging new Kanye. #
  • il neige encore. :( #
  • And the question as to how Mr. X will find a way to fuck something up for me gets its answer. Hooray! #
  • Dear Congress: So, this whole bailout scheme doesn’t really seem to be working. Can you stop trying now? Just admit defeat, and stop. x, -s. #
  • @mizmoose That is strange but … strangely compelling, too. What sort of munchies do you serve with chips n’ salsa beer? #
  • @robotviki Very nice! Where is that? #

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